Israel has a problem: the reasons for the delay in the invasion of the Gaza Strip

In Israel during the night a new message arrived to the nation from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu: "We are preparing for a ground invasion in Gaza.
I cannot give further details at the moment, the timing will be decided based on consensus." Words substantially similar to those that Netanyahu has been repeating almost since October 7, the disastrous date of the Hamas attack on Israel which triggered this new war in the Holy Land which is scaring the whole world.
Having overcome the initial shock and driven Hamas back outside the borders of the Jewish state, Israel quickly mobilized reservists and massed something like 100,000 soldiers along the borders of the Gaza Strip, all in anticipation of a land invasion.
In the case of this, it would be the final battle between Israel and Hamas: if the Israelis can count on an undisputed greater military force, the Palestinian militiamen have long been preparing for a clash of this kind to be fought house to house.
Benjamin Netanyahu despite some doubts expressed by the international community, lastly Emmanuel Macron declared that "a massive ground operation by Israel in the Gaza Strip would be a mistake", he would always be convinced of wanting to "crush" Hamas once and for all.
Fundamental for Bibi is the green light from the White House, with Joe Biden underlining in recent hours during a press conference that he had not asked "Israel to delay the invasion of Gaza".
But then why has this operation which could mark the fate of the war – not to mention the risk of widening the conflict see the role of Hezbollah – not yet begun? The more than political reason would be military: Israel would be short of defensive missiles which should soon arrive from overseas.
read also 3 reasons why a world war could break out Israel and the missile problem Yesterday the Wall Street Journal revealed that “Israel has accepted, at least for now, the American request to delay the invasion of Gaza so as to allow the United States to move missiles into the area." As is known, one of Israel's military flagships is its Iron Dome missile defense system which, since the war began, has allowed it to intercept a good part of the rockets launched not only by Hamas, but also by Hezbollah and some armed groups in Syria.
To intercept an incoming rocket, the Iron Dome uses the Tamir interceptor missile: each of the launchers, however, costs 50,000 dollars and there would be fewer and fewer of them in the Israeli army's warehouses given the massive use in recent weeks.
In essence, if Israel were to militarily invade the Gaza Strip, in the event of an attack by Hezbollah which has thousands of particularly accurate missiles at its disposal, the Jewish State could find itself defenseless.
It is no coincidence that in recent hours Washington has made it known that "the Department of Defense is currently involved in planning support for the supply of American Iron Dome batteries to Israel".
A necessary help to avoid exposing the historic ally to great risks.
Benjamin Netanyahu is thus faced with a crossroads: attack the Gaza Strip immediately, however risking not having adequate anti-missile defenses in the event of an intervention by Hezbollah, or wait for supplies of missiles from the USA, the timing of which is yet to be deciphered.
We will soon know what Netanyahu's choice will be.


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