Does NATO want to train citizens for war against Russia?

Some NATO member countries are reportedly preparing for the risk of war with Moscow.
This is demonstrated by the decision of some states, including Poland, Europe's first line of defense in the event of an attack by Russia, to implement programs for the militarization of the civilian population, seriously considering the reintroduction of compulsory military service.
If there is something that the last two years have demonstrated with the war between Russia and Ukraine and the Palestinian genocide, it is the failure of a model of international diplomacy that has never sought serious dialogue with the parties involved.
The invasion of Ukraine has been compared several times to the Nazi invasion of Poland, fueling the underlying tensions – never completely extinguished – between NATO and Russia, which has repeatedly threatened military and nuclear escalation in the region European.
With the result, to date, of intelligence reports that do not exclude a possible war with Moscow in the coming years, with the result that some NATO countries seem to be determined to prepare civilians for a war against Russia.
But who are the countries that would like to reintroduce compulsory military service? And what are the risks? Below is everything you need to know about it.
NATO alarm, risk of war with Russia within 20 years In a general climate of tension, with a world torn apart by conflicts that risk worsening in 2024, according to experts, a war between NATO and Moscow cannot be ruled out in the future.
According to intelligence and military reports from various European nations, in fact, the possibility that a war against Russia could occur within the next 20 years cannot be ruled out.
“We need to realize that we are moving from a post-war world to a pre-war one” explained the English chief of the general staff Sir Patrick Sanders at the “International armored vehicles” conference in London.
The head of the British army said that the UK must recruit and train a “battle-ready citizen army” in the event of a conflict with Moscow, stressing that: the air force is not enough.
We must also be credible about our land strength.
Over the next three years, we need to get to a British Army of at least 120,000.
And in any case it is not enough.
For Sanders, in fact, the Russian invasion of Ukraine is comparable to the Nazi invasion of Poland in 1937, and this is why he invites his country not to make the same mistake as in the 1930s.
For now, at least, the reintroduction of conscription in England seems unlikely, but according to the British army chief this possibility should not be ignored.
read also Why a ceasefire in Ukraine is now possible Which NATO countries will train citizens for a war against Moscow? England, however, was not the first NATO country to talk about training civilians in view of a hypothetical war against Russia.
Among the countries convinced of the need to rearm their citizens, to feed their military ranks, in the event of war we find: Poland.
The first country to have discussed the possibility of arming its citizens was Poland, the country that would find itself on the front line in the event of a war with Russia, given its position.
It is no coincidence that the Polish government – led by Donald Tusk – has already published guidelines in the event of mobilization due to the outbreak of war at the beginning of January 2024.
In line with the previous executive, on the subject of defence, Poland has the objective of equipping itself with the largest land army in Europe with a total of 300 thousand soldiers – of which 250 thousand professionals and 50 thousand volunteers – and has signed agreements with the United States and South Korea for the purchase of military assets such as tanks, aircraft and artillery and air defense systems.
In April 2024, parliament will discuss the possibility of restoring military conscription.
Boris Pistorius, Defense Minister, in fact, declared that Germany must be "kriegstuechtig", that is, capable and "capable of waging a conflict", also hypothesizing the possibility of recruiting foreigners.
Yet, it must be remembered that, although two years have passed since Chancellor Olaf Scholz's decision to increase spending on the army to 2% of GDP, with investments of 100 billion dollars to support the German troops, there is still no sign of any the results.
But Poland and Germany are not the only ones, Sweden also looks at Russia with concern.
Defense Minister Carl-Oskar Bohlin presented a plan to strengthen the army through the recruitment of conscripts and professionals, but not only.
The minister's plans also include that of implementing a lasting system for the supply of ammunition and that of guaranteeing military technological superiority in the event of war.
Stockholm has called on its citizens to prepare for a possible conflict, prompting a surge in civil protection volunteers.
The tones and attitude of the NATO member countries seem to anticipate a hypothetical season of conflicts, which do nothing but increase tensions in Eastern Europe, completely forgetting the role that diplomacy has always played in avoiding conflicts, sitting at a table.
read also Russia's new war economy: this is how Moscow moves


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