What is the super pension bonus that everyone is talking about

A paycheck bonus for those who decide to retire later.
This is the idea behind the super pension bonus that we hear about more and more often.
The idea of the incentive bears the signature of Professor Alberto Brambilla, president of Itinerari social security, who presented the 11th report to the Chamber on 16 January 2024.
The superbonus would have the aim of making the Italian pension system more sustainable in the medium- long term, extending the years of work before retirement.
But not only.
It is therefore appropriate to understand what the super pension bonus is, how much it amounts to and why it is so necessary in Italy.
Here is what the pension situation is in Italy.
read also Pensions, 5 solutions to get there early that few know What is the super pension bonus and how much does it equate to in the pay slip? The super pension bonus provides an incentive in the pay slip for those who voluntarily decide to retire at 71, compared to the limit set by the Fornero law of 67 years.
A bonus that would translate into a higher salary, with a +33% of contributions in the paycheck for three years, net of taxes.
A bonus necessary to increase the retention of senior workers in the world of work.
In fact, according to the Social Security itineraries report, Italy is among the countries in Europe where the average retirement age is among the lowest, equal to 63 years, a figure which within 20 years will lead to the number of pensioners compared to workers in Italy, also due to the demographic decline.
Reforms are necessary to have a sustainable system also in 2040, limiting the tools for pension advances and imposing a freeze on the contribution period at 42 years and 10 months for men and 41 years and 10 months for women, one year less for women.
But the real incentive to delay retirement would appear to be this super bonus.
Why is the pension superbonus needed: the pension situation in Italy But why is a pension superbonus needed? According to the report, the social security system in Italy will remain stable and sustainable only for another 10-15 years, when the majority of workers from the baby boomer generation, i.e.
those born between 1946 and 1964, will have retired.
However, problems will not take long to arise.
The progressive aging of the population, together with the decline in the birth rate – due to the precarious economic conditions in which the young generations live – will put Italy to the test, which in less than 20 years will have to face one of the "most challenging demographic transitions in history" , with more pensioners than workers in Italy.
read also Pensions, how much is a year's contributions worth? A situation that at the moment does not seem to foresee a possibility of a U-turn, at least according to current numbers.
The study demonstrated a growth in the number of pensioners: in 2022 pension checks amounted to 16,131,414, compared to 16,004,503 in 2018.
And if, according to the study, it has improved, albeit slowly, the pensioner-active ratio in employment in 2022, equal to 1.4443 – just below the safety threshold set at 1.5 – the analysis highlighted a decrease in pension spending: in 2022 spending reached 247.588 billion, equal to 12.97% of GDP against 13.42% in 2021.
What further weighs down the public accounts is the increase in social spending of +126% in 2022 compared to 2008, with spending going from 73 billion to 157 billion euros in just over 10 years.
A commitment which, however, has not reduced poverty in Italy which, according to Istat data, exceeds 5.7 million, compared to 2.1 million in 2008.
In 15 years, however, these problems will be joined by the hole produced by the pensioners of the generation baby boomers.
Hence the need to reverse the trend with measures aimed at encouraging adequate employment retention for the more senior segments of the population, as explained by the president of Itinerari social security, Alberto Brambilla, who then warns the Government against the public debt that " could break through the three trillion euro threshold." The super pension bonus will therefore serve to limit the use of excessive advance payments, and focus "on the active aging of workers", rewarding those who "voluntarily wish to work up to the age of 71".


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