One year of Meloni government? “Terrible”. The results of the survey

Meloni government, the first year was terrible.
This is the response to the survey, launched on the anniversary of the first candle blown out for the centre-right executive and precisely in the hot days of the 2024 budget law which, among a welter of rumors regarding possible changes, has not yet been arrived in Parliament despite its approval by the Council of Ministers a week ago.
As can be seen from the survey, which we remind you does not have a scientific value but only an indicative one as it was not carried out on a sample basis, for 42% of respondents the first year of the Meloni government was terrible.
If we then add the 18% of readers who expressed an insufficient opinion, overall there is a total of 60% who still gave a negative opinion on the government's actions.
However, the first twelve months of the Meloni government were judged good by 33% of respondents, while 7% still gave a sufficient rating to the centre-right executive.
Despite the less than positive response for the government, the latest political polls still indicate that the majority parties are healthy, with Giorgia Meloni who could always count on a high approval rating.
Meloni government: negative poll.
While on the one hand several other polls have also shown a decline in approval of the Meloni government's work, on the other, in terms of voting intentions, the centre-right parties appear to have increased their tally of votes compared to the general elections of September 2022.
Even the supplementary elections in Monza – the turnout however was very low – and the regional elections in Trentino-Alto Adige confirmed that the centre-right still seems to have the majority of citizens on its side.
This budget law, however, does not seem to please everyone, given that within the government itself there seems to be no shortage of controversy with the text which is expected to arrive in Parliament only next week.
In the background there are the very delicate European elections in June, a moment in which the polls will be put aside and it will be understood what the real state of health of the Meloni government and the parties that support it are.
read also European elections 2024, when do you vote in Italy? Date, electoral law and polls


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