Budget law: if Renzi's 100 euros aroused joy, why didn't Meloni's?

The Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, on 16 October approved the bill containing the State budget forecast for the financial year 2024.
The Government immediately wanted to reiterate that the bill of the law is in line with the prudent, responsible and realistic approach of previous economic measures.
As usually happens, the maneuver presented by the government immediately aroused strongly negative reactions from the main opposition figures.
In this case, the absence of concrete strategies on health, school, and industrial policies was the most common criticism.
But let's try to get our own idea in light of the provisions present in the text which we will try to analyze schematically: 1) Tax wedge cut: Around ten billion are intended for the renewal in 2024 of the tax-contribution wedge cut (7% for incomes up to 25 thousand euros, 6% for incomes up to 35 thousand euros).
Which is equivalent to 100 Euros more in the paycheck per month for 14 million citizens.
In a country where there was much rejoicing over the so-called "Renzi bonus" (which reached up to 100 euros) it is not clear why Meloni should be criticized if she does it; 2) Renewal of PA contracts: Five billion for the renewal of public administration contracts, in addition to approximately 2.5 billion for medical and healthcare personnel.
However, if we do not add to this a control of spending and the use of resources, there will never be sufficient allocations in a country in which the public administration continues to be a refugium pectinarum and a bottomless pit on whose transparency everything still needs to be done , other than the "glass house" promised years ago by Ruffini; 3) Healthcare: An additional allocation of 3 billion is expected for the year 2024 (to which must be added the PNRR resources and 300 million recognized to the Sicilian Region) and 4.2 billion starting from the year 2026.
Among the measures envisaged, an allowance for doctors and other healthcare personnel involved in reducing waiting list times.
Resources equal to 250 million euros are allocated for the year 2025 and 350 million euros starting from 2026 for the strengthening of local assistance also with reference to new hiring of healthcare personnel.
For foreign residents, citizens of countries not belonging to the European Union, there is the possibility of registering in the lists of those entitled to NHS services by paying a contribution of 2,000 euros per year.
The amount of the contribution is reduced for foreigners holding a residence permit for study purposes or for those placed with au pairs.
The hope, in the writer, is to still be able to believe in a healthcare that cures and prevents rather than one that "prescribes" and then waits watchfully.
In any case, here too, secretary Schlein, before telling the Meloni government that it has allocated few resources, should take stock of 40 years of healthcare management by the PD which, just look at the great results obtained in Piedmont, cannot be erased certainly in one day; 4) Families and birth bonus: Resources amounting to 1 billion euros are allocated in favor of large families and to raise the birth rate.
The "dedicated to you" card has been confirmed in the amount of 600 million euros for the year 2024, the allocation of first home mortgages of approximately 380 million euros for the year 2024 is integrated and resources are allocated for the refinancing of the extraordinary contribution for the high energy costs and the electricity social bonus (200 million euros) to support the weakest sections of the population in the first quarter of next year, the quarter in which energy consumption is most significant.
Another month of parental leave is added, paid at 60 percent, for parents with children up to 6 years old; 5) Nursery bonus: The fund for the bonus is increased by over 150 million euros.
In short, between the two rules put together it won't be much but there is something to support parenthood; 6) Rai license fee: The Rai license fee decreases from 90 to 70 euros per year.
The reduction corresponds to an integration of Rai's financing for expenses relating to investments.
The overall budget therefore undergoes a slight change in line with the cuts envisaged for the ministries (from 440 to 420 million).
And this remains a sore point because it is now clear that the contribution to the so-called public TV must be totally abolished (given that for years now the advertisements that were previously exclusive to private TVs have flooded the schedules) and privatised.
Only in this way can we hope for more public and less partisan information; 7) Work: The tax exemption of productivity bonuses at 5 percent and fringe benefits of up to 2 thousand euros for workers with dependent children and up to 1,000 euros for all others has been confirmed (the benefits may also be recognized for payments of rent and first home mortgage).
The decontribution seems to take on a new face with reference to working women, providing that the share of the relief is equal to the entire share of the contributions paid by the workers themselves, for one year if they have two children up to the age of 10 of the youngest and permanent for those who have 3 children up to the youngest's 18th birthday.
A small step towards reducing the gender gap; 8) Businesses: The entry into force of the plastic and sugar tax has been postponed until 1 July 2024.
For businesses and to support private investments, a tax credit will be provided for the acquisition of capital goods intended for production structures located in the South.
Where it is said that this Government has not done much for businesses to date (but the same can be said of Bonelli who criticizes them so much) this rule, absolutely derisory and almost offensive, confirms our opinion on the matter.
As well as the postponement of the second installment of direct taxes, currently scheduled for only one year; 9) Pensions: Some revisions will concern the APE: the raising of the contribution requirement for men to 36 years; different requirements for women and quota 104 with some specifications that take into account the need to valorise those who want to stay in work.
The Government therefore used a trick by going from 103 to 104, forgetting the promise made last year with the previous budget law in which they promised a reform of the entire issue within this year and shamefully throwing the promise of pensions into oblivion.
minimums at 1000 euros; 10) Infrastructure and autonomy: The maneuver ensures the resources necessary to start the construction works of the bridge over the Strait of Messina and various investments for the benefit of the Regions (50 million), territorial bodies (100 million for the design) and central administrations (approximately 27 billion in the period 2024-2038).
11) Investments and public guarantees: The plan that reforms the management of public guarantees has been approved, which has the objective of directing the instrument towards social investments that guarantee a high added value such as those in strategic infrastructures (e.g.
Messina bridge, and hoping that we will think about making the entire motorway and railway sector safe, which every year claims too many deaths and just as many go unpunished) and for the technological, green and digital transition of businesses.
The objective is to transform guarantees into levers for highly additional investments and to involve private investors; 12) Sport: an increase of 13 million euros is expected for the year 2023 in favor of CONI for activities related to Olympic preparation and support of the Italian delegation for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games; Spresiano velodrome: a contribution of 8 million euros is expected for 2023 in favor of the Italian Cycling Federation in order to ensure the completion of the construction of a velodrome in the municipality of Spresiano.
Given the scandalous news of having the 2026 winter games held in St Moritz or Innsbruck instead of at much lower costs in Valsusa, it is believed that the allocation in question is a firefly for larks, and to cover malfunctions or political logic that very few have to share with national development which we have already seen as lacking from an industrial point of view and which is also confirmed as such from the point of view of the sports sector; 13) Tax reform: implementation of the first module of personal income tax reform and other income tax measures.
A reduction of the income brackets and the corresponding progressive tax rates on the income of natural persons is envisaged by three, as follows: – 23 percent for incomes up to 28,000 euros; – 35 percent for incomes above 28,000 euros and up to 50,000 euros; – 43 percent for incomes exceeding 50,000 euros.
This rule is not only completely unsatisfactory but it makes the third bracket at 43 percent completely special because this would be a measure worthy of the more boorish leftists who allow themselves to consider rich those who earn more than 50,000 euros gross per year.
Which in a country with a high cost of living (not affected by any provision of this budget law which actually eliminated deductions) like ours is not serious to assert.
If you then think about the taxation of pensions, i.e.
money that is left over from taxes and contributions paid during one's working life, and which are then taxed again at the time of disbursement, this is not offensive but scandalous.
do you also read 20 billion euros of privatizations? This is why Giorgetti's plan is destined to fail


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