Giuseppe Valditara

Support teachers and specialized training on individual disabilities: the Valditara proposal.

News for Special Education Teachers

For special education teachers, there are ongoing updates, as a specialization in a specific disability may be on the horizon.
While still in the realm of hypotheses, Minister of Education Giuseppe Valditara has reportedly put forward this proposal in an interview with
This proposal stems from various requests for a specialization in a specific disability.

Recent Reforms and Developments

Special education teachers have been at the forefront of public debate on education, especially regarding the latest reforms by the Meloni government.
The recent School and Sports decree, now converted into law, introduced the confirmation of support teachers by families and an expedited specialization through courses at Indire.
This initiative, which some have dubbed a “regularization,” benefits those specialized in support education abroad awaiting recognition in Italy, as well as those with at least three years of experience in support education.

Towards Specialization in Specific Disabilities

In a recent interview, Minister Valditara highlighted the possibility and desirability of specializations in specific disabilities for support teachers in the future.
When asked about the demand for teachers specialized in disabilities, Valditara referred to it as a “legitimate request.” He emphasized the importance of moving towards greater specialization of support teachers, acknowledging their professionalism and the need for proper compensation.

Valditara stated, “Support teachers should not be a fallback option but a challenging choice, carrying great responsibility, requiring professionalism, and adequate compensation to match the role’s sensitivity.” He also stressed the need for a gradual process towards this reform, recognizing the diverse skills necessary for supporting students with different disabilities.

Future Prospects

While the proposal for specialized support teachers in specific disabilities may not materialize immediately, Minister Valditara’s reform direction is clear.
The aim is to enhance the education system by providing tailored support for students with diverse needs.

Expansion of Educational Scope

In a separate interview with La Stampa, Minister Valditara also mentioned expanding the teaching of History, underscoring the importance of post-war historical knowledge.
He announced the establishment of a task force dedicated to revising the National History Guidelines and school curricula, advocating for a stronger emphasis on civic education that transcends the current mandatory hours.

These initiatives signal a progressive approach to education, aiming to address the evolving needs of students and the importance of a comprehensive educational experience.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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