School open in summer and modification of History and Geography programs: what Valditara said

Minister Giuseppe Valditara launched the school open in the summer and announced a change in the ministerial programs of History and Geography and did so on two occasions in the last week.
The head of the Ministry of Education and Merit spoke about the plan for the summer opening of schools during the 38th Capri conference of Confindustria's Young Entrepreneurs, after an online petition launched by two influencer mothers to raise awareness on the issue.
Yesterday, however, during a Question time in the Senate, the owner of Viale Trastevere responded to a parliamentary question from Senator Lavinia Mennuni (FdI) regarding a review of the ministerial programs of History and Geography.
Let's see in detail what Valditara said.
School open in the summer: here's how according to Valditara It is not the first time that there has been talk of a school open in the summer, but in his latest statements the minister Valditara has relaunched the topic.
The minister spoke about school in the summer as a point of reference not only for those who need to recover, as always happens, but more generally for families, as a support, especially for those who don't go on holiday in the summer for work reasons.
“The schools open in the summer will not only be used for studying, but will include different activities for the children”, explained Valditara who also underlined how, on a voluntary basis, not only the teachers must be involved, but also the entire community, the third sector and university students.
read also School without grades, the intermediate report card disappears: where and how it works The minister then made some reflections on the school of merit, returning to the figures of the tutor teacher and the guidance counselor introduced in the current school year.
The Gentile school of a hundred years ago was pyramidal, now we are talking about a constitutional school that puts the person at the centre.
Hence the figure of the tutor teacher who identifies skills and potential, also with extra curricular activities.
The challenge of the merit school – added the minister – is to ensure that those who are bored in class can speed up and those who need to recover can do so.
read also Teacher, tutor and guidance counselor at school: here's how much they earn Valditara announces the modification of the History and Geography programs Minister Valditara also announced a working table for a review of the History and Geography programs and did so in response to a question parliamentarian.
In the question of the Fratelli d'Italia senator Mennuni, she hopes for "a ministerial intervention to restore the content learning system, with the repetition of the entire chronological path up to the contemporary age, taking into account the current limit of compulsory schooling , i.e.
16 years old.
This scan would allow children to learn a clear periodization of the eras by the age of 11 and to follow the chronological path, with the different levels of in-depth analysis, at least twice." The senator then asked the minister what initiatives the Mim intends to adopt "to restore the centrality of the teaching of History and Geography, remodulating the programs, allowing, also through an increase in the hours due, the completion of the chronological and geographical path up to contemporary age and promoting learning with adequate attention to the Greco-Roman tradition, as a cornerstone of national and European identity".
Valditara responded by highlighting how the issue is already under the attention of the Mim which has set up a working group on the humanistic disciplines which will have as its objective precisely that of examining the proposals for renewal in the teaching of History and Geography.
The single periodization of the contents and themes relating to History and Geography for each education cycle – introduced with the 2007 Curriculum Indications – was confirmed, lastly, by the 2012 national indications for the first cycle.
The minister declared who added: The modification of the progression of the contents, objectives and goals for the disciplines of History and Geography will, therefore, be evaluated as part of the revision of the aforementioned national indications, the definition of which, obviously, requires the necessary involvement of the community school.
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