Giuseppe Valditara

Civic Education in Schools: Why Valditara’s Guidelines Need Reform

Valditara’s Guidelines for Civic Education Must Change

The guidelines set forth by Minister Valditara for teaching Civic Education in schools are under scrutiny.
Recently, the Higher Council of Public Education (Cspi) issued a negative opinion on the proposed decree aimed at revising the existing guidelines for Civic Education.

This opinion emerged during the Cspi’s plenary meeting on August 28, wherein they crafted a document highlighting their reasoning and suggestions for improvement.
The new guidelines have sparked controversy since the draft of the decree began circulating, particularly due to the emphasis on concepts such as patriotism, corporate values, private property, financial education, and economic growth, which seem to prioritize individual success over collective well-being.

Concerns Raised by Cspi

The Cspi emphasized the need for change in the proposed guidelines during their discussions.
They outlined three core conceptual frameworks from the existing 2020 guidelines that should serve as references for teaching:

  • Constitution, law (national and international), legality, and solidarity;
  • Sustainable development, environmental education, knowledge, and protection of heritage and territory;
  • Digital citizenship.

They highlighted the pedagogical efforts and commitment of schools over the past four years to develop curricula that respect these frameworks.
In light of the proposed guidelines that would replace the current ones, the Cspi noted that the 2020 guidelines do not require significant revisions, only necessary updates related to recent legal changes.

Specific Critiques from the Higher Council

The new guidelines have been critiqued for their cumbersome language and rhetorical expressions, which may hinder schools in creating effective Civic Education curricula.
Furthermore, the Cspi discouraged prescriptive language that implies mandatory activities or topics, citing phrases such as “must” and “it is necessary.”

Moreover, the Cspi pointed out a lack of recognition of the social relationship between the individual and the community, which is central to the comprehensive development acknowledged by the Constitution.
They have suggested revisions for outdated terms, highlighting the absence of explicit references to education against discrimination and gender-based violence.

Importance of Financial Education

Additionally, the Cspi stressed the need for a specific emphasis on financial education, urging that it be presented not merely as a tool for promoting private wealth but as a broader initiative encompassing programs developed in collaboration with institutions like the Bank of Italy.

In conclusion, the Cspi rejected the proposed guidelines for Civic Education, stating that the numerous and significant concerns expressed led them to withhold support for the decree.
This opinion, while critical, is non-binding and might not affect the final decision regarding the implementation of the new guidelines, as clarified by the Ministry of Education.

For further details, visit: Flc Cgil for updates on educational policies.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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