Giorgia Meloni

Political Polls: Meloni surges, Pd declines, M5s and Forza Italia stable

Latest Political Poll by Swg

The most recent political survey conducted by Swg and revealed on July 15th by Tg La7 seems to leave little room for doubts: Giorgia Meloni continues to advance steadily towards the 30% threshold.
Despite her perceived lack of international relevance as highlighted by the recent NATO summit and European appointments, the premier appears unfazed.

According to the poll, Fratelli d’Italia not only remains by far the country’s leading party but has considerably increased its share of votes compared to the triumphant – for the premier – European elections in June.
Forza Italia also performs well, consistently surpassing a League that weekly comes up with new strategies to gain visibility, such as naming Malpensa airport after Silvio Berlusconi or advocating for the abolition of mandatory vaccines for children.

However, Matteo Salvini’s activism does not seem to translate into electoral success.
The European elections confirmed the decline long predicted by political surveys, to the point that the minister and deputy prime minister could soon face backlash from the League.

Overall, the survey indicates a half-point increase for the center-right coalition – including Noi Moderati – compared to the previous week’s poll.
Given the challenges ahead for the government, this is certainly good news for the majority.

The survey also smiles upon Giorgia Meloni for another reason: the Democratic Party is declining and progressively distancing itself from Fratelli d’Italia, with a gap of 6.6 percentage points.
The Democratic Party, however, seems to be the only party capable of posing a threat to the premier, as the 5 Star Movement, despite a positive trend in the survey, is far from its former glory.

With the Green-Left Alliance holding steady at 7%, the foundation of the new center-left coalition seems to be solid.
Together, the three parties would exceed 40% in the survey; should this yellow-red alliance expand, the opposition might consider challenging the center-right.

Understanding the mood of the parties within the moderate galaxy seems to be a puzzle.
The survey shows growth for both Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi, but only Azione currently appears poised to surpass the 3% threshold.
Italy Viva and +Europa fall below this mark, while the setback indicated for Pace Terra Dignità in the survey represents a significant blow to the future prospects of Michele Santoro’s movement.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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