Political polls, Meloni collapses: M5s and Calenda do well, Pd in decline

The latest political poll by SWG – released on 26 February by Enrico Mentana's La7 news program – arrived just at the moment in which the results of the regional elections in Sardinia certified the success of Alessandra Todde, the Giallorossi candidate who overtook by a few thousands of votes for Paolo Truzzu of the centre-right.
To complete the terrible day for Giorgia Meloni – who personally chose the former mayor of Cagliari by deciding to put the outgoing president Christian Solinas on the bench – the Swg survey indicated a real collapse for the Brothers of Italy.
Giorgia Meloni would thus be further and further away from the 30% threshold, i.e.
the probable objective in the European elections in June, but always due to a distance ahead of everyone in voting intentions.
The League, which fared poorly in the elections in Sardinia, many of its votes however were absorbed by the Sardinian Action Party, would instead be growing slightly even if Matteo Salvini certainly cannot be happy with the 8.1% recorded by the survey.
Forza Italia, on the other hand, is stable after a period of growth according to the latest polls: the Azzurri would not run the risk of going below the threshold of 4% of the European elections, however any possibility of overtaking against the Northern League would seem to be postponed.
read also European elections 2024, results predictions: who will win? Political polls: M5s and Calenda do well The political poll smiles at the 5 Star Movement, with the Five Star Movement who, thanks to Alessandra Todde, have elected their first regional president after always having suffered from the regional electoral law which does not provide for a run-off.
The alliance with the Democratic Party and the left was decisive, but according to the poll the Dems would be in decline even if they are now closer to Giorgia Meloni by virtue of the slip of the Brothers of Italy.
Carlo Calenda, however, at the regional elections in Sardinia chose to support the race of former president Renato Soru with not particularly brilliant results, but at a national level Azione would be growing and above the 4% threshold.
The Green-Left Alliance would also be above the fateful bar, while both Matteo Renzi – Italia Viva is considered stable – and +Europa, which instead improved in the last week, are indicated as still distant.
Finally, according to the survey, the percentage of those who do not express their opinion would be stable: 37% of voters would be uncertain about who to vote for or are ready to desert the polls, a large pocket of votes from which all parties hope to be able to draw in June occasion of the European elections.
read also Is it really the end of Meloni and the centre-right?


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