Political polls: Meloni and M5s collapse, the PD is doing well Forza Italia

How have political polls changed in the last year? Now that 2023 is drawing to a close, YouTrend has tried to answer this question and, on behalf of Agi, has created a special supermedia taking as a reference point the same work done at the end of 2022.
According to the supermedia of the polls, in the last year Fratelli d'Italia would have lost a point and a half percentage even if Giorgia Meloni would continue – by detachment – to always look at everyone from top to bottom.
Despite a real leap forward that coincided with the arrival of Elly Schlein as secretary, the Democratic Party would still remain almost ten percentage points behind FdI in the polls.
Giorgia Meloni thus seems to have been stronger in the last year than the many difficulties encountered by her government, with the decline appearing to be physiological after the exploit recorded immediately after the vote on the 2022 policies.
The other more striking negative sign in the polls would be that of the 5 Star Movement which, in all likelihood, paid for the growth recorded by the Democratic Party in recent months in its voting intentions.
read also Are you satisfied with the 2024 budget law? Take part in the survey Political polls: bad Salvini, ok Forza Italia and the left According to political polls in the last year even Matteo Salvini would not have been able to take advantage of Giorgia Meloni's decline, with the League data in decline and still far from that double figure given as an objective to be achieved in the European elections in June.
In the centre-right, only Forza Italia would be smiling in the year of the death of its leader and founder Silvio Berlusconi, with Noi Moderati – the so-called "fourth leg" of the government coalition – also taking a step backwards.
After the separation that occurred in recent months, both Carlo Calenda and Matteo Renzi would be stable in their voting intentions, but according to the Azione and Italia Viva polls alone they would not be able to exceed the threshold of 4% of the European elections at this time.
Particularly courted would be +Europa which, thanks to its tally of votes, could be the salvation for Action or Italia Viva: the decision regarding an electoral alliance, however, has not yet been made.
Finally, in the super average of the polls, the Greens-Left Alliance would be growing, but this step forward would not yet be enough to make the red-greens surpass the fateful bar of 4%.


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