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Middle East Eye, the main Qatari think tank on regional politics, finally understands what has happened and is happening in Gaza.
As reported in summary at the beginning of the editorial: "The undeclared objectives of the war: kill as many people as possible, destroy as many houses and buildings as possible, narrow the surface of the Strip and divide it.
Control gas resources.
Prevent the creation of a Palestinian state; Hamas, hostages are marginal issues." But how? Hamas, the poor hostages, as "marginal"? The immense tragedy that takes into account the numbers of dead, injured, hostages, painful human cases, injustice without a judge, horror and ignominy, more or less genocide, the silence of a world and the anger of On the other hand, it was and is a simple objective of erasing the Palestinian presence in Gaza.
Physical, human and material erasure.
Halving its population or more, relegating it to the south, making it a desert around it, making it an enclave of no account to be given to the Authority, the Arabs and the UN for decades of charitable assistance, with more or less Hamas inside, it doesn't matter.
A Palestinian San Marino without legal status, 500-700 thousand souls.
Today there still remain perhaps 1.3 million Palestinians crushed in Rafah.
If in the next few days, in the behind-the-scenes negotiations, the complacent and silent Arab "partners in crime" promise Tel Aviv to take another half, the first phase of the game can be closed.
As promised by Bibi two days after the Hamas attack at a meeting with mayors of towns surrounding Gaza: “Israel's response to the Hamas attack from Gaza will change the Middle East.” The good or yet another bad thing about this whole story is that it was known.
I wrote it on October 21st, five months ago.
Netanyahu, with his big face like a mischievous magician, had gone to the UN complete with map and marker to proudly show off the novelty of a new nativity scene and explicit rigged maps.
The New Middle East, without any ambiguous trace of territory potentially the basis for yet another useless discussion on the "two states", a single space of possession of the promised land, to be offered to the new plan illustrated in yesterday's post.
But that was two weeks before the Hamas attack.
It has been some time since Israel re-established diplomatic ties with the Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, the junior partners of Saudi Arabia which, however, was also about to sign the new pact, already two weeks before the Hamas attack.
This development comes from the Abrahamic Accords before the promises of the New Cotton Way.
Strategies have a long history, nothing can be improvised here.
The only thing that improvises is our attention.
As in a magic trick, while the Magician made us horrified by the humanitarian massacre, deep down he desertified the human space of Gaza, already made a million people flee, reduced, cut, made the emptying irreversible.
And the direction of information is immediately ready to entertain us with the Puppet Theater, Hamas with the club (inhuman), the right of Vengeance (human, too human), quotes from the Torah, every day a "yes they are treating the hostages", "there are hopeful talks" or rather, no.
Anti-Semite! Nazi! Theater.
We weren't there before, we had Ukraine, China, bills, the local health authority, grandfather who is ill and we won't be there afterwards because when the dust falls and politics starts, we'll have other things to think about.
This is how the world goes.
We witness as spectators the Great Transition of the new complex era, but only when someone dies, the bomb explodes, the atomic bomb is about to go off, or rather not.
but almost.
And go to improvised readers of the world recycled by the economy, by the pandemic, by criticism of the new green paranoia, now experts in Third World War in pieces.
Those paid by the Official Narration and those critical-critics who may follow him but feel smarter.
Fear and trembling, the thrill of being in history observing it from the electronic window to judge it, execrate it, be moved, argue in favor of the rights of one or other of the contenders.
What was Islamic Jihad doing with Hamas in the October 7 action? How did she get into it? Who put it there? Who among Hamas got it in by transforming the "take hostages to exchange prisoners" operation into a Mexican butcher's shop in open air to which one could only give "tremendous revenge"? Why did Iran and Hezbollah show they knew nothing about it from the first moments after the attack, because in fact they knew nothing about it? Weren't they the sponsors? Because no one was stunned or rolled with laughter when Bibi admitted that they themselves knew nothing about the preparation of the attacks in a space as large as the province of Spoleto with 2.3 million souls inside and the country's secret services among the most powerful in the world who went to do interviews in the media around the world to admit their less than credible "epic fail"? After decades of building their public myth of efficiency.
And thank goodness they are "secret" services.
There were 2,000 two meter long Qassams in circulation but no one knew anything about them, hang gliders, at least 2,000 men involved, yes but "in great secrecy".
They will have done the exercises in the bedroom, in socks and holding their breath.
But they really take us for idiots…
yes because to a large extent we are.
Then what they knew, who pretended not to understand or had information withheld, it's not for me to say, I'm not a conspiracy investigator.
Ours is not a democratic regime.
There is no demos that manages or controls the polis, that of home and that of the world.
You all have too much to do, you don't have time, you have to spend days and days, years, to dredge the immense flow of problems, knowledge, stories, facts, secrets that make you read the true writing of the novel of the world in progress .
Reading and interpreting that is not exactly easy.
As long as your nerves and intestines can handle it.
They only invite you to the quarter of an hour plus Netflix, the rest remains in the shade.
You don't have to know, you don't have to think, you don't have to judge anything other than what they decide to feed you at dinner time.
Or do they begin to demand fewer working hours and more human time to participate in the necessary change in the world, studying, knowing, debating, investigating, acting politically, claiming our right and duty to decide on the society of which we are natural members by biological rights of birth (well, biopolitics in its proper sense!) or the world will change without us and as is easy to predict, against us.
We will understand it only later, after the fact, when the dust settles, when it is too late.
Either we set about restoring minimum levels of democracy (certainly not tele-parliamentary democracy with four years between one vote of absolute delegation and another) or it will go as it has always gone, everywhere, for the last five thousand years: The Few will govern the lives of the Many .
As long as they don't sacrifice them by encountering the many "there is no alternatives" who await the scary path of the next thirty years.
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