Major Supermarket Chain Offers 50% Discount on Frozen Meat

Combatting Food Waste: Coop’s Innovative Project

Food waste is a major global challenge of our time, with approximately one-third of the food produced worldwide ending up in the trash each year.
This not only represents an economic loss but also has a devastating environmental impact.

In response to this crisis, various initiatives are emerging to combat food waste.
Among these, Coop has launched a project that involves freezing fresh meat products before the expiration date, and then reselling them at half price.

The project, which will kick off on July 24th in 16 selected branches (but not yet in Italy), aims to reduce meat waste and offer consumers an opportunity to save money.

Coop’s Initiative to Reduce Waste: Freezing Meat Before Expiration

The retail giant Coop has decided to tackle the issue of food waste with an innovative initiative.
Starting July 24th, 16 selected branches (none yet in Italy) in the northwestern Switzerland, central Switzerland, and Zurich sales regions will begin freezing fresh meat products before the expiration date and offering them at a reduced price of 50% for up to 90 days.

According to the data from the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), in Switzerland, one-third of food is wasted along the entire food chain, from the field to the table.
Among these, meat represents a significant portion of the waste: 23% of poultry, 25% of pork, and 30% of beef end up in the trash.

This move contributes to sustainability but also provides an opportunity for consumers to purchase high-quality meat at reduced prices, thus contributing to waste reduction.
The frozen items will be easily identifiable thanks to the sticker “Use Instead of Waste.”

If the project proves successful in Switzerland, the next retail points where it could be implemented might be in Italy, one of the countries with the highest food waste.

Freezing and Consuming Expiring Meat: Is it Safe and Healthy?

Freezing meat before the expiration date is a safe and common practice that can extend the product’s shelf life without compromising its quality or safety.
Freezing slows down bacteria growth, keeping the meat safe for consumption for up to 90 days.

It is important to follow some guidelines to ensure the quality of the frozen product:
– Quick freezing to preserve freshness.
– Proper storage, for example using freezer bags or airtight containers to prevent freezer burn.
– Safe thawing, either in the refrigerator, microwave, or under cold running water to avoid bacterial growth.

Consuming frozen meat within these parameters is considered safe and should not pose health risks.

An Initiative Against Food Waste: A Step Towards Supply Chain Sustainability

Coop’s decision to freeze and sell expiring meat at half price fits into a broader context of combating food waste.
The initiative not only reduces waste but also educates consumers about responsible food management.

According to FAO estimates, about one-third of the food produced worldwide is wasted each year, equivalent to around 1.3 billion tons.
Waste not only represents an economic loss but also has a devastating impact on the environment, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions and the unnecessary exploitation of natural resources.
Therefore, responsibly managing food is essential to take the right steps towards sustainability.


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