
Bonus 580 euros for each child, application from April for those who meet these requirements

The Family Dowry is also renewed in 2024, the annual contribution of up to 580 euros payable in favor of minor children to be spent on parenting and educational support services, as well as for courses for scholastic support or learning foreign languages.
And again, cultural and tourist services, educational and artistic and musical education courses, as well as sports activities.
A support that is part of those measures financed by the individual Regions in addition to national supports (such as the Single Allowance); the family dowry, in fact, is only available to residents in Friuli Venezia Giulia who meet the required requirements.
In this regard, let's see what is needed for the request for the regional family dowry, as well as what the measure can be used for given that unlike the single national allowance, with which it can be combined, it has rather restrictive spending constraints.
Requirements A fundamental condition for applying for the Family Dowry is to be a beneficiary of the regional Family Card.
Otherwise, you will first need to request the latter, which is due to only one of the parents (in the event of separation or divorce it is the responsibility of the person living with the child).
To apply, you must have an ISEE equal to or less than 35 thousand euros, as well as being resident for at least 24 continuous months in the regional territory.
Once the family card has been obtained, which is valid for 12 months from the date of issue (with the possibility of renewing it 60 days before expiry), it is possible to submit an application for the family dote which it is worth underlining must be requested only for the children present in the DSU for the purposes Isee.
When and how to apply The application for the Family Card and Dowry of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region must be submitted online (click here), by logging in with the Spid, Cie or Crs (Regional Services Card) credentials.
As anticipated, the request must be submitted only once a year, from 1 April to 31 December 2024, and must include all total expenses incurred in 2024 (among those reimbursable) complete with supporting documentation of the expenditure made.
It is important to specify that the documentation must concern payments already made on the date of submission of the request.
And since you can only apply once, it pays to wait until you reach a good refundable amount.
How much is due The maximum amount that can be recognized with the Friuli Venezia Giulia family dowry is equal to: 560 euros for each minor child in the case of families resident in the Region for at least 5 years; 280 euros for each minor child in the case of families resident in the Region for less than 5 years but at least 2 (essential requirement for the request); 100 euros if there is a person with a disability in the family unit.
Obviously the amount is commensurate with how much is actually spent, which means that where the documented costs are lower, a reduced family dowry will be recognised.
For which services can it be used? But let's clarify what these expenses are that give the right to the family dowry.
In detail, the reimbursement is for the costs incurred for the following services: parenting and educational support services, organized during extracurricular times and periods.
For example, the cost incurred for summer camps, or even for the babysitting service.
scholastic support courses (repeats); foreign language learning courses; cultural services, including access to museums, concerts, theaters, cinemas; tourist services, which also include school trips, music and art courses; sports activities.
As seen above, when you apply you must justify all the expenses incurred, presenting both the supporting documentation of the expense (the receipt or invoice) and that which certifies the payment made.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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