
Goodbye Mosquitoes with the Toilet Paper Trick: The Viral Trend on Social Media

Repel Mosquitos Naturally

Summer, or rather the heat, brings with it the annoying mosquitoes.
These small insects become unwelcome companions during the hottest months of the year, causing sleepless nights and annoying – and in some cases dangerous – bites.
There are several solutions to keep mosquitoes away, among the most common are to use mosquito nets or so-called mosquito coils or other fumes.

However, mosquitoes often manage to enter our homes and ignore our attempts to keep them at bay.
If you feel like you’ve tried everything, perhaps the last resort is the viral trick circulating on social media that promises to keep mosquitoes away with an item we all have at home: toilet paper.

The Viral Trick with Toilet Paper to Repel Mosquitoes: How (and if) it Works

The viral toilet paper trick is based on mosquitoes’ sensitivity to scents.
This solution uses essential oils, known for their repellent properties, to create an unpleasant environment for these insects.

But how does it work? According to the tutorial, you should prepare the toilet paper with essential oils, including the most effective tea tree oil.
Then place the strip in a tray and wait for the result.

According to the tutorial, in detail:

  • Cut several strips of toilet paper and place them in a container or on a tray;
  • Make sure the strips are well distributed and easily accessible;
  • Choose the essential oil: the most effective ones to repel mosquitoes are citronella and tea tree oil.

Pay attention to the application: the paper will absorb the oil and gradually release its scent into the environment.
The location of the container or tray should be in rooms where you want to avoid the presence of mosquitoes, but where there is also enough air circulation.

Other Methods to Keep Mosquitoes Away

In addition to the toilet paper trick, which is a new method driven by virality, there are numerous natural and non-natural alternatives to protect yourself from mosquitoes during the summer months.
Among the most effective are repellent plants to have in the garden, fans, mosquito nets, and skin sprays.

Here’s a list and the reasons:

  • Repellent plants like lavender, basil, mint, and rosemary are known for their repellent properties against mosquitoes.
    Placing them near windows and doors or in the garden can help keep insects away;
  • Mosquito nets and screens installed on windows and around beds are another traditional but highly effective method to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes and disturbing sleep.
    The only drawback: the bulkiness;
  • Fans, very effective against mosquitoes that are weak fliers.
    A simple fan can create an airflow capable of keeping them away;
  • Citronella candles placed inside or outside the house release a scent that repels mosquitoes;
  • Skin repellents based on picaridin or essential oils.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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