
China has discovered a new way to produce clean energy

The Green Energy Revolution in China

China, the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, is emerging as an unexpected leader in clean energy production.
Recent data shows that in the first half of this year, the country added clean energy generation capacity equivalent to all the energy produced by the United Kingdom in a year.

The Impressive Energy Transformation

The energy transformation in China is remarkable.
In 2023, the country installed 293 gigawatts of wind and solar generation capacity, surpassing coal-fired power plants for the first time.
Forecasts indicate that by 2026, solar energy could become the primary energy source in the country, with a capacity exceeding 1.38 terawatts.

The expansion of renewable energies has been accompanied by a decrease in electricity production from coal and gas, which dropped by 5% in July compared to the previous year.
The Chinese automotive sector is also contributing to emissions reduction, with electric and hybrid vehicles accounting for over half of new cars sold in July.
The steel industry is undergoing significant transformations, with no new permits for coal plants granted in the first half of the year.

The Challenges Ahead

Despite these advancements, the challenge for China remains enormous.
While the growth in clean energy capacity is impressive, coal still provides 60% of the country’s electricity.
Some argue that China may have already peaked its greenhouse gas emissions, possibly as early as February this year.
This could have significant implications for the global climate.

The future of China’s emissions will largely depend on the political choices the country makes in the coming years.
If China manages to maintain its current course and shift growth towards less energy-intensive sectors, it could mark the beginning of a long-term decline in carbon emissions.

The Crucial Role of Coal

Coal remains the crucial issue.
Despite the rapid increase in renewable energy capacity, coal still represents a significant part of China’s energy mix.
The continuous use of coal makes it challenging to achieve the drastic emissions reduction needed to avoid the worst consequences of climate change.

The global political context could play a decisive role.
If the United States increases pressure on China to reduce emissions, especially within the framework of international climate agreements, China may be forced to accelerate its energy transition.
On the other hand, if the U.S.
withdraws from green energy policies, the global situation could deteriorate, putting further pressure on China for change.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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