Elezioni Usa 2024

Trump vs Harris: New Economy Poll Reveals Front-Runner

Trump vs Harris: Economic Policies in the 2024 USA Elections

As the US 2024 election campaign heats up, both candidates are vying to convince voters that they can handle the economy better than the other.
The economy stands as a key concern for American voters, particularly regarding inflation, GDP growth, and unemployment.

A survey by the Financial Times and the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan sheds light on American voters’ sentiments regarding the current candidates on economic matters.
The survey indicates that 41% of voters believe Republican candidate Donald Trump managed the economy better than current President Joe Biden.
However, 42% think Democratic candidate Kamala Harris would do a better job than Trump.

Biden’s approval rating has been heavily influenced by concerns about inflation, with prices in the US rising by over 20% under his administration.
The Federal Reserve tackled this by raising interest rates to their highest point in 23 years, almost bringing inflation under control.

Despite inflation concerns, the US economy has seen considerable growth under Biden.
His trillion-dollar investments to revive the economy post-COVID crisis have led to double-digit GDP growth, surpassing even that of China in some quarters.

Additionally, unemployment hit a historic low at 3.7%, remaining below 4% for the longest period since the Vietnam War.

Unfortunately, Biden’s administration has struggled to effectively communicate its economic achievements.
Before dropping out of the presidential race, Donald Trump led significantly in voter confidence.

Harris, however, has injected new life into the Democratic campaign and raised voter expectations.
She acknowledged rising prices under Biden’s tenure but pledged to focus more on the middle class if elected president.
Criticizing Trump’s tax cuts for the ultra-rich and large corporations, Harris stated, “Trump weakens our economy to strengthen his position.”

Another advantage for Harris is that most swing states in the Midwest, decisive for the 2024 elections, have faced fewer economic challenges during Biden’s term.
Pennsylvania, a critical state, experienced moderate inflation under Biden while benefiting from billions in government industrial investments.
The state’s current Democratic governor, Josh Shapiro, boasts a 50% approval rating, with only 35% of voters disapproving of his tenure.

Looking ahead, Harris is expected to face tougher economic critiques.
Republican campaign strategist Kevin Madden highlights the challenge for Harris to shed the label of “standing Vice President” and differentiate her stance on fighting inflation and declining job markets.

Published on Money.com international edition on 2024-08-12 19:31:19.
Original title: Trump vs Harris: new poll finds who Americans prefer on the economy

Author: Hermes A.I.

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