Elezioni Usa 2024

Trump convicted, what consequences for the 2024 US elections?

Donald Trump Found Guilty in Stormy Daniels Payments Case

Former President Donald Trump has been found guilty on all 34 charges in the trial regarding hush money payments to former adult film actress Stormy Daniels.
The sentencing for the ex-President is set to be determined at a hearing scheduled for July 11.

Implications for Trump’s Political Future

The paradox lies in the fact that Trump will learn about the extent of his conviction on the eve of the Republican National Convention, where his candidacy for the 2024 US elections is expected to be officially announced.
Despite the ongoing legal battles and serious accusations against him, current polls show Trump as a clear favorite over Joe Biden.

Details of the Case

In this specific trial, among others, Donald Trump was accused of falsifying financial records of his company to hide the $130,000 payment made to Stormy Daniels to silence her about an alleged affair they had a decade prior to the 2016 presidential campaign.
The money was allegedly funneled through his former lawyer Michael Cohen, who has since become a key witness for the prosecution.

The jury, without a doubt, rendered their verdict after two days of deliberation.
Despite the conviction, Trump maintained his innocence, labeling the trial as a “sham” and a “disgrace.” He declared, “I am an innocent man,” hinting that the real judgment day for him would be the upcoming presidential elections on November 5th.

Future Scenarios and Legal Consequences

Even though Trump has been found guilty in the Stormy Daniels payments case, the full extent of his sentence will only be revealed on July 11th.
If sentenced to prison, Trump might appeal the decision, potentially prolonging the legal process for years.
Until a final resolution, the former President will remain free.

If incarcerated, Trump could face up to 4 years in prison, though this might be commuted to probation or a fine.
Regardless, his eligibility to run for the 2024 US elections remains, as a criminal conviction does not automatically disqualify a candidate.
The outcome of the trial and other legal battles will undoubtedly impact his campaign and fundraising efforts.

A divided public opinion is expected, with some voters possibly rejecting a convicted candidate, while others, especially within his conservative base, might rally behind Trump even more fervently.
As Trump himself stated, the ultimate judgment day for him will come on November 5th.

For more information, read about the 2024 US Elections Guide or how Trump’s conviction might affect the 2024 US Elections.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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