Elezioni Usa 2024

Should Biden Withdraw from the 2024 US Elections? Join the Poll.

Should Joe Biden Withdraw from the 2024 US Elections?

As doubts about the health of President Joe Biden increase in the United States, with his appearance confused and unclear during the first TV debate against Donald Trump, many are questioning whether he should withdraw from the 2024 US elections.
Money.it wants to hear from its readers on this matter.

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The November 2024 US elections are crucial not only for the fate of the United States but also for the entire world given the delicate geopolitical situation we are experiencing.
The main contenders, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, have been well-known for some time.

Presently, electoral polls show Trump ahead in five out of six swing states, traditionally pivotal for the outcome of presidential elections in the United States.
Biden’s poor performance during the debate has widened the gap between the two candidates in voter intentions.
While Trump also did not shine during the debate, he emerged relatively better than Biden.

Democrats, under pressure from the media and donors, are reportedly considering a Plan B: replacing Joe Biden with another candidate.
Names circulating as potential substitutes include former First Lady Michelle Obama and California Governor Gavin Newsom.
However, such a move would only be possible if the President voluntarily decides to withdraw, an option not currently being considered by the White House.

The purpose of this survey, which is not scientifically significant but rather indicative, is to understand readers’ opinions regarding a potential withdrawal of Joe Biden from the presidential race.

Prior to the disastrous TV debate with Donald Trump, Biden’s prospects for the 2024 US elections were already complicated, with the situation now appearing even more challenging for the Democrats.

During the televised debate, Joe Biden spoke slowly with a hoarse voice, often looking blank and giving the impression of confusion and losing his train of thought.
While his staff attributed this to a cold, many Democrats are now hoping for the entry of Michelle Obama or Governor Gavin Newsom into the race.

Having won the primaries and secured 99% of the delegates for the August convention where his candidacy will be officialized, technically, a change is possible only if the President steps aside, allowing other candidates to compete in the event.

Despite the evident challenges, Biden does not seem inclined to withdraw from the race for a second presidential term.
However, doing so would be a significant gift to Donald Trump, who could easily win the elections.

Public opinion close to the Democrats is reportedly pushing for a change, with influential newspapers like the New York Times running campaigns.
Joe Biden remains convinced of his ability to win and lead the United States for the next four years, with a decision on his candidacy expected by August.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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