Elezioni Usa 2024

New Trump Indictment Transforms US Elections: Harris Faces Boomerang Risk

New Charges Against Donald Trump: A Potential Boon for 2024 Campaign

The recent indictment of Donald Trump could unexpectedly aid the tycoon in the upcoming 2024 U.S.
If Special Prosecutor Jack Smith aimed to corner the former president, he may have miscalculated significantly.

Trump has been indicted on four counts: conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy against citizens’ rights, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, and obstruction of an official proceeding, all stemming from the January 2021 Capitol riots.

However, in July, the U.S.
Supreme Court partially granted Trump immunity.
This ruling concerns only official acts performed during his presidency, not his private actions.

This decision, ruled by six conservative justices—three appointed by Trump—has been a cause for celebration for him, as it suggests that the trial may be postponed until after the November 5 elections.

Revised Charges and Political Implications

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has reevaluated the charges against Trump.
While the four original counts remain, the current phrasing frames the tycoon’s actions as those of a candidate rather than as President acting in an official capacity.

This adjustment indicates Smith’s determination to pursue justice against Trump, despite the Supreme Court’s ruling likely delaying any trial until after the elections.

For Kamala Harris, who has been gaining ground in polls, this situation could backfire politically.

Impact on Trump’s Campaign

The news regarding the restructuring of charges comes at a pivotal moment for Trump, who has faced declining poll numbers since Harris became the Democratic nominee.

Following the Supreme Court ruling in July, Trump was leading in all six swing states crucial for the 2024 election results.

Currently, Harris appears to be leading in the overall vote count and has surged ahead in two of the six swing states, gaining considerable momentum in the remaining four.

In this context, Jack Smith’s revival of the Capitol Hill trial has reinvigorated Trump’s campaign, which previously focused on portraying him as a victim of judicial conspiracy.

Following Trump’s May conviction related to payments involving adult film actress Stormy Daniels, there was a noticeable spike in donations to his campaign.

The new charges come nearly a year after Trump presented himself for arrest in Atlanta, capturing a mugshot that his campaign turned into a badge of defiance.

Will history repeat itself? Only time will tell, but Smith’s recent actions might ultimately serve as a significant favor for Trump at a challenging time in his electoral campaign.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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