Elezioni Usa 2024

From Soros to Google: The Major Funders Behind Kamala Harris


Who are the financial backers of Kamala Harris’s campaign?

The question of who is funding Kamala Harris’s electoral campaign becomes more pressing given her record-breaking numbers as the Democratic nominee for the upcoming 2024 U.S.
This follows Joe Biden’s announcement to step back from the race, marking a pivotal moment for Harris.

Not long ago, the Democrats appeared to be in despair regarding their chances in the presidential race, with numerous polls indicating Donald Trump was poised for victory, leading in all battleground states.
However, since Harris entered the fray, previously viewed as one of the less popular vice presidents in U.S.
history, the narrative has taken a turn.
Her approval ratings have climbed, and she is now performing well in crucial battleground states, hinting that the race will likely be as close and contentious as it was in 2020.

Record Fundraising Efforts

In this intense campaign landscape, Harris’s committees have reportedly amassed an astonishing $540 million, a record amount collected just within the last month.
Notably, $40 million came flooding in during the Democratic convention that officially crowned her as the party’s candidate.

The financial pressure of the upcoming election in early November has intensified the quest for funding, especially against Trump, who has amassed $268.5 million as of July 31, primarily from small donors.

Major Contributors to the Campaign

Among Harris’s prominent financial backers are Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn who contributed $10 million, and Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, who donated $7 million.
Furthermore, influential figures such as George Soros and Melinda Gates are also believed to support her campaign, potentially with financial backing as well.

Additionally, Google employees have provided technology-related contributions amounting to $263,000, showcasing a broad base of support.
The financial landscape is starkly contrasting, with Harris currently leading Trump in fundraising efforts.

Looking Forward

With a significant influx of funds fueling her campaign, Kamala Harris appears to have a critical advantage heading into the elections.
The upcoming November 5th date will reveal the true impact of these financial efforts as both candidates vie for the presidency.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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