Elezioni Usa 2024

Are U.S. Banks Truly Fearful of the U.S. Election Outcome?

What Are Big US Banks Thinking About the Presidential Elections?

An investigation by Reuters has gathered the opinions of the most important credit institutions in the American powerhouse, to understand whether the November vote is truly considered a destabilizing factor for global markets and the economy.

Uncertainty Surrounding Biden vs.
Trump Match

The match between Biden and Trump appears increasingly unpredictable, especially within the democratic camp where the pressure on the incumbent president to step aside is mounting.

Potential Consequences of a Trump Victory

In the event of a Trump victory, the issue could be the surge in inflation with an even more aggressive tariff policy.

Are US Banks Really Worried About the Outcome of the US Elections?

US Banks, Are the Presidential Elections a Danger?

US Elections and Geopolitical Uncertainty

The US elections and geopolitical uncertainty are among the factors that customers are focusing on when evaluating their business decisions for the coming quarters, banking executives stated on Friday.

“Certainly (US elections) are one of the many issues that clients face when thinking about the timing of any type of activity, whether it’s issuing debt, M&A activities, or just normal investments they make,” said Wells Fargo CFO Mike Santomassimo.

BNY CEO Robin Vince stated that there are plenty of other types of geopolitical risks in the world.
“We continue to discuss the elections throughout the year.
But a lot of other things are happening.”

According to JP Morgan CFO Jeremy Barnum, the US elections are obviously a topic everyone is talking about.
“I’m sure those conversations are happening, but there’s nothing financially material in the context of earnings.”

In Conclusion

In summary, the US presidential elections do not intimidate more than other destabilizing factors.
US banks seem more focused on today’s and tomorrow’s geopolitical complexity.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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