Elezioni Usa 2024

2024 US Election Polls: Trump vs. Harris – Who Will Win Key States?

2024 US Elections Polls: An Uncertain Showdown Between Trump and Harris

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, uncertainty looms over the anticipated clash between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.
Voting in the United States will officially commence on Tuesday, November 5, with mail-in voting opportunities available beforehand.

Prior to Joe Biden’s withdrawal, polls unanimously favored Donald Trump as the likely victor.
However, the entry of Kamala Harris has drastically altered the landscape, resulting in a tight race where both candidates are virtually neck and neck.

According to electoral laws governing the US elections, the candidate who secures at least 270 Electoral Votes out of a total of 538 will prevail.
Therefore, the outcome hinges significantly on seven battleground states: Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.

Each state has a designated number of Electoral Votes allocated based on its population.
For instance, if Kamala Harris wins California by a single vote, she will claim all 54 Electoral Votes from that state.

Our team at Money.it will keep you updated on the latest polls, not only focusing on the overall electoral landscape for the 2024 elections but also providing insight into these pivotal seven states that will determine the winner between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

Polling Data: Harris vs.

The latest polling averages compiled by Real Clear Politics indicate a close race at the national level:

  • Kamala Harris – 48.4%
  • Donald Trump – 47.3%

Currently, Kamala Harris has overtaken Donald Trump in national polls, boasting a lead of more than one percentage point.

Key Numbers to Remember

The crucial figure for the 2024 US elections is 270, the minimum number of Electoral Votes required for a candidate to win the presidency and occupy the White House.

Recent polls indicate that Donald Trump is projected to secure 219 Electoral Votes, compared to Kamala Harris’s 226.
This graphical summary from the site 270towin encapsulates their standings.

Battleground States Polling Insights

Here’s the current polling status in the seven battleground states:

  • Nevada: Kamala Harris – 48.0%, Donald Trump – 47.4%
  • North Carolina: Donald Trump – 47.9%, Kamala Harris – 47.8%
  • Georgia: Donald Trump – 48.3%, Kamala Harris – 48.0%
  • Wisconsin: Kamala Harris – 48.7%, Donald Trump – 47.2%
  • Arizona: Donald Trump – 48.4%, Kamala Harris – 46.8%
  • Michigan: Kamala Harris – 48.3%, Donald Trump – 47.1%
  • Pennsylvania: Donald Trump – 47.2%, Kamala Harris – 47.2%

Kamala Harris currently leads in Nevada, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
In contrast, Donald Trump maintains his lead in North Carolina, Georgia, and Arizona, with both candidates tied in Pennsylvania.

This perfectly balanced situation has American analysts indicating Pennsylvania as the state likely to decide the outcome of the 2024 US elections.

Additionally, Money.it conducted a non-scientific poll asking readers who they believe will win the 2024 elections between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.

In a prior Money.it survey asking readers to choose a possible winner between Trump and Biden, the results were significantly clearer: 77% favored Trump, with only 20% for Biden.
The entrance of Harris seems to have resulted in a more balanced race.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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