Who wins the 2024 Abruzzo regional elections? What the polls say

Who will win the 2024 Abruzzo regional elections? As the voting date gets ever closer – the polls will open on Sunday 10 March – polls are trying to hypothesize who the next president could be.
In total there are two candidates running in the 2024 Abruzzo regional elections: the outgoing centre-right president Marco Marsilio and Luciano D'Amico, supported by a broad centre-left coalition ranging from the left to the moderates of Action and Italia Viva passing through the Pd and the 5 Star Movement.
In Abruzzo there will be a sort of return to the past, or rather to that centre-right-centre-left bipolarism which characterized the first years of the so-called Second Republic, with this sort of balance which was then broken by the advent of the 5 Star Movement.
There is great interest – also at a national level – to see what the result of the "wide field" of the center-left will be, evoked two years ago by the former Democratic secretary Enrico Letta and now materializing for the first time in Abruzzo.
In the regional elections in Sardinia on 25 February, however, the coalition will be divided, with M5s and Pd having nominated Alessandra Tosse while Azione, Italia Viva and various left-wing civic lists are with Renato Soru.
But what do the polls say about the 2024 Abruzzo regional elections? Marsilio would be in the lead but D'Amico would not be far behind, with the turnout data which could be decisive in determining the winner.
read also Abruzzo 2024 regional elections: date, candidates and polls Abruzzo 2024 regional election polls Before the stop to their diffusion arrived, several electoral polls were carried out in view of the regional elections in Abruzzo.
Bidimedia's report was released on 19 February and this would be the situation regarding the vote for the presidential candidates.
This instead would be the voting intention for the lists, with Marsilio being given the lead even if the game appears to be very open given that 25% of voters would still be uncertain about who to vote for.
Another electoral survey carried out in Abruzzo was that of Emg on behalf of Fratelli d'Italia on 15 January.
These would be the voting intentions regarding the lists.
Brothers of Italy 31% Forza Italia 10% Lega 8% Marsilio President List 3% Other CDX Lists 2% UDC 1% 5 Star Movement 18.0% PD – Democratic Party 15.5% Action 4.5% Greens + Italian Left 2.5% Italia Viva 2.0% Other CSX Lists 2.0% +Europa 1.5% In total Marsilio would reach 54.5% against D'Amico's 45.5%, with the outgoing president who in this case is indicated with a greater advantage.
Another survey in view of the regional elections in Abruzzo was carried out on 22 December by Winpoll on behalf of the regional Democratic Party.
These would be the intentions regarding the candidates.
Marco Marsilio – 50.8% Luciano D'Amico – 49.2% These would be the voting intentions regarding the lists.
Popular Union 0.6% Plus Europe 1.3% Italexit 2.4% Action 2.9% Green Left Federation 3.5% Italia Viva 3.5% Other party 3.6% Lega 5.8% Forza Italia 11, 6% 5 Star Movement 17.1% Democratic Party 18.6% Brothers of Italy 29.2% The electoral polls regarding the regional elections in Abruzzo would seem to speak clearly: at the moment Marco Marsilio would be in the lead, but if Luciano D'Amico were to being able to convince the many voters who are still undecided then the center-left could also have a concrete chance of victory.


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