Results of the 2024 European elections in Germany: AfD’s right-wing soars, Scholz and the Greens perform poorly

European Elections Results 2024: Germany

The aftermath of the European elections in 2024 has left the governing majority in a state of crisis, with Berlin also facing challenges.
However, unlike the situation in France, Chancellor Olaf Scholz does not appear to be considering stepping back at this point.

The election results in Germany have highlighted the strong performance of the far-right AfD party, along with a decline in support for the Social Democrats and especially the Greens.
Leading the pack are the Christian Democrats, while the new left-wing party, BSW, led by Sahra Wagenknecht, did not manage to make a breakthrough.

Now that the vote count has concluded, let’s take a look at the official results of the 2024 European elections in Germany and the number of seats each party has secured.

In total, 96 MEPs are elected in the 2024 European elections in Germany, the highest number in the entire European Union.

These are the official results of the 2024 European elections in Germany, including the number of seats obtained by each party that surpassed the electoral threshold.

  • CDU/CSU: 30.00% of votes, 29 seats
  • Greens: 11.90% of votes, 12 seats
  • SPD: 13.90% of votes, 14 seats
  • AfD: 15.90% of votes, 15 seats
  • Left: 2.70% of votes, 3 seats
  • FDP: 5.20% of votes, 5 seats
  • Die PARTEI: 1.90% of votes, 2 seats
  • FW: 2.70% of votes, 3 seats
  • Animalist Party: 0.60% of votes, 1 seat
  • ÖDP: 0.60% of votes, 1 seat
  • Family Party: 1.40% of votes, 1 seat
  • Volt: 2.60% of votes, 3 seats
  • BSW: 6.20% of votes, 6 seats

The electoral law in Germany for European elections follows a purely proportional system, with a very low electoral threshold set at 0.5%.


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