Elezioni europee 2024

Forza Italia European Elections 2024 Program: PDF and Key Proposals

Forza Italia’s Program for the 2024 European Elections

Forza Italia and Noi Moderati have outlined a series of precise proposals for the EU ahead of the upcoming European elections in June 2024.
As part of the European Parliament, Forza Italia, belonging to the European People’s Party, aims to increase its representation significantly in Brussels and Strasbourg.

A noteworthy internal challenge within the center-right coalition comes from the League.
Should Forza Italia outperform the League in the European elections, Tajani may request a government reshuffle to “rebalance” the weight of the majority parties.

Main Proposals in Forza Italia’s Electoral Program for the 2024 European Elections

Let’s take a closer look at the key proposals within Forza Italia’s electoral program for the 2024 European elections, jointly developed with Noi Moderati.
The full document in PDF format can be accessed and downloaded through the link provided at the end of the article.


Forza Italia and Noi Moderati stand by the Atlantic Alliance and support its reinforcement.
They advocate for boosting the defense industry, enhancing joint programs, and fostering greater cooperation among the armed forces.
A European Defense Commissioner would be appointed to coordinate defense policies among member states and promote deeper integration in the European security sector.


The parties propose a mandatory and rigorous mechanism for relocation, emphasizing shared responsibility, solidarity, and burdens among European countries.
They call for bilateral agreements with transit countries to enable the EU to oversee asylum procedures fully, including enhanced cooperation with North African and Middle Eastern countries.
Additionally, a Marshall Plan for Africa is suggested.

Business and Economy

Forza Italia and Noi Moderati advocate for the “Made in Europe 2030” Strategic Plan, aiming to develop an ambitious common industrial policy safeguarding critical infrastructures and innovative EU companies from unfair competition, particularly from China.
They support labor mobility through a European social security pass, a common tax harmonization policy, pooling of debt strategies to address financial crises equitably among member states, and the establishment of a single financial and banking area within the EU to minimize future banking crises.


The parties propose doubling the EU budget for medical research and pharmaceutical innovation within the 2024-2027 programming period, targeting investments equivalent to 4% of the EU’s GDP in research and development by 2030.
They aim to close the wage gap in the medical sector to prevent the exodus of healthcare professionals from certain European regions.

Automotive and Housing

Forza Italia and Noi Moderati advocate for home protection and a review of the Green Buildings Directive.
They propose a European plan to safeguard housing considering the specificities of each country to incentivize investments in energy efficiency.
Additionally, they endorse incentives for next-generation internal combustion engines to significantly reduce carbon emissions and support the development of alternative fuels, hydrogen technologies, and new vehicle power systems, including “CO2-neutral fuels” such as biofuels and e-fuels.

Energy and Infrastructure

The parties promote next-generation nuclear power for energy independence and endorse the EU’s hydrogen strategy, positioning Europe as a research hub for innovative energy technologies, notably focusing on nuclear fusion.
They advocate for the development of the New Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) to enhance connectivity through vital infrastructure projects, essential for structuring the European territory and improving the efficiency of the EU’s single market, such as the construction of the Stretto di Messina Bridge.


Forza Italia and Noi Moderati call for a review of the legislative package that risks harming key sectors of the European economy, from automotive to housing, steel to agriculture, potentially benefiting strategic rivals like China.
They aim to promote renewable energies, energy efficiency, and leverage funds from REPowerEU.

Agriculture and Fisheries

The parties propose reforms to the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the fair distribution of funds among EU member states and within each state.
They advocate for adequate additional funding to support farmers’ environmental efforts, encourage sustainable practices, and address the impacts of climate change by valorizing Europe’s agricultural specialties.
Additionally, they propose reforms to the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) to ensure quality supply, reduce dependence on imports, support the sector in sustainable transitioning, and advocate for the establishment of an autonomous European fisheries portfolio.


Forza Italia and Noi Moderati support the introduction of qualified majority voting and propose the creation of a European Presidency, electing a single “Union Premier/President” to replace the current Presidents of the Commission and the European Council.
They aim to strengthen the legislative power of the European Parliament.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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