Elezioni europee 2024

European Universal Basic Income Gains Support: 52% Favor Conte’s Proposal. Survey Results.

The European Universal Basic Income Proposal

A recent survey conducted by Money.it revealed that there is a growing interest in the idea of a European universal basic income.
The survey was launched following an interview in which Giuseppe Conte, the former Italian Prime Minister, reintroduced the proposal as part of the 5 Star Movement’s electoral program for the upcoming 2024 European elections.

Survey Results and Public Opinion

According to the survey results, approximately 52% of the respondents expressed their support for the establishment of a European universal basic income.
It is crucial to note that the survey, while not scientifically significant, provides an indicative insight into public opinion and discourse surrounding this topic.

However, the proposal seems to have divided opinions among the readers, as around 47% of the respondents rejected the 5 Star Movement’s initiative.
This indicates that the universal basic income remains a highly divisive topic within Italy.

The Italian Context and Policy Background

In Italy, the concept of a basic income was initially introduced by the first Conte government but was later replaced by the current center-right majority with a different social welfare benefit known as the inclusion allowance.

5 Star Movement’s Approach

The 5 Star Movement advocates for a differentiated European universal basic income that would adjust based on each country’s relative poverty level.
The funding for this proposal would come from a taxation on corporate assets at a European level, with a minimum and equal rate applied to all companies.

Challenges and Future Prospects

Having gained prominence in the 2018 national elections with the universal basic income as a central policy platform, the 5 Star Movement aims to revisit this strategy in the upcoming 2024 European elections.
However, the path to implementing such a policy at the European level in Brussels poses significant challenges and complexities.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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