European elections: It doesn’t matter who wins, Draghi will end up taking charge

European Elections 2024: What’s at Stake?

The upcoming 2024 European elections are approaching rapidly, with the polls opening in the 27 European Union member states from June 6 to June 9 to elect the 751 Members of the European Parliament – 76 of them will be assigned to Italy – who will shape the next European Parliament.

The Campaign in Italy and Across the EU

In Italy, as well as in the rest of the EU, we are in the midst of the electoral campaign.
Leaders are pushing their respective lists as high as possible, and candidates are elbowing their way to secure a seat in the plush buildings of Brussels and Strasbourg.
This is a job that comes with a busy schedule of official commitments and a salary that outshines that of many national parliamentarians.

The Intrigues Behind the Scenes

Behind the scenes, major EU players are engaged in intricate schemes to shape the architecture of the next European Commission.
It seems as if the outcome of the European elections is almost a secondary factor.
Once the polls close, it will be up to the leaders of the 27 member states to reach an agreement on the presidency of the European Commission.
The chosen candidate will need to be approved by the European Parliament with an absolute majority vote.

The Potential Game-Changer: Mario Draghi

Surprisingly, the most recurrent name circulating among key figures for the top seat at the Berlaymont Palace is that of Mario Draghi, a non-politician and naturally not a candidate in these European elections.
The real winner of the 2024 European elections could potentially be Mario Draghi, known in Europe for his role as the former head of the ECB.

The Macron Factor and the Draghi Equation

According to reports from Politico, French President Emmanuel Macron is actively working to push Mario Draghi into the leadership of the European Commission.
Macron’s maneuvers could shake up the ambitions of Ursula von der Leyen, who seeks a second term at the Berlaymont Palace but faces challenges from other contenders.

Shifting Alliances and Uncertainties

The upcoming European elections seem to hold a certain degree of unpredictability, with alliances shifting and uncertainties looming over the future composition of the European Commission.
Whether Draghi will emerge as a surprise contender for the presidency remains to be seen amidst the intricate political web woven by EU leaders.


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