Draghi or von der Leyen, who do you want as President of the Commission? Join the poll

Draghi vs von der Leyen: Who Should Lead the European Commission?

As the dust settles after the 2024 European elections, all eyes are now on Brussels to see who will take the helm at the Berlaymont Palace.
Ursula von der Leyen has expressed readiness for a second term, riding on the success of her party and the weakening of her opponents, particularly Emmanuel Macron.

However, not everyone seems pleased with the current president, especially considering recent controversies surrounding her.
This has sparked rumors of Mario Draghi potentially taking up the role.
The purpose of this survey, although not scientific, aims to gauge public opinion on whether Ursula von der Leyen, Mario Draghi, or none should lead the European Commission.

The timing of this survey coincides with the aftermath of the 2024 European elections.
The composition of parliamentary groups in the European Parliament remains stable, with many newly elected MEPs yet to align themselves.

Over the past five years, von der Leyen led the Commission with the support of the EPP, S&D, and ALDE.
In theory, she still holds enough support for re-election.
Nevertheless, dissent within the Socialist and Liberal camps raises doubts about her second term.

The nomination of the Commission’s president lies with the European Council, but final approval rests with the European Parliament.
Potential dissenters within the Socialist and Liberal groups may complicate von der Leyen’s path to a second term.

Amidst this political turmoil, Mario Draghi’s name emerges as a possible consensus candidate.
As a non-politician, he carries the gravitas to unite factions when electing the next Commission president.


With von der Leyen and Draghi in the spotlight, the decision on the next President of the European Commission remains uncertain.
Stay tuned as negotiations unfold in Brussels.


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