Comparing the Election Programs of Political Parties for the European Elections: Who to Vote for?

Who to Vote for in the 2024 European Elections?

As the European elections draw near, the focus is on the candidates rather than the electoral programs.
Leaders aim to personalize the vote, diverting attention from the key issues.
Understanding the electoral programs is crucial to make an informed decision.


Parties present different stances on Ukraine.
For example, Fratelli d’Italia pledges to prevent conflicts and support a just peace.
On the other hand, USDE advocates for increased military support to Ukraine to counter Russian aggression.


Fratelli d’Italia focuses on building a common defense policy to enhance European sovereignty, while Lega opposes the idea of a European army fearing unequal power dynamics among member states.
The USDE supports the establishment of a European army.


Parties propose various reforms: Pd aims to strengthen the European budget and Parliament, while M5s advocates for a European referendum mechanism.
USDE pushes for a united government and the elimination of unanimity voting.


Parties offer diverse economic strategies: Pd supports Next Generation EU to boost industrial policies, while Lega calls for the end of austerity measures.
USDE envisions a shift towards investment-driven policies rather than transfers.


Parties address labor market challenges differently.
Pd advocates for a Social Progress Pact, including a minimum wage and new labor rights.
USDE proposes a single European labor market with common rules.


Environmental policies vary: M5s focuses on decarbonizing the economy, while Forza Italia aims to balance environmental and economic concerns.
Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra calls for a significant investment fund for green initiatives.


Parties have distinct energy strategies: Lega supports nuclear energy, while Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra excludes it from strategic technologies.
Azione advocates for equal support to low-emission technologies, including nuclear power.


Parties propose different approaches to immigration: Fratelli d’Italia focuses on cooperation with third countries, while Pd advocates for a shared European asylum system.
USDE emphasizes human treatment of migrants and fair burden-sharing.


The parties’ health policies diverge: Pd supports a European Health Alliance, while USDE advocates for increased medical research funding.
Alleanza Verdi-Sinistra calls for universal healthcare coverage and adequate funding.

In conclusion, understanding each party’s stance on key issues is crucial in making an informed decision in the 2024 European elections.


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