Elezioni europee 2024

Calenda’s proposals for Europe in the European Action Program 2024

Azione Europe 2024 Program: Policies and Vision

As the 2024 European elections approach, Carlo Calenda’s party, Azione, has put forward a comprehensive program aimed at addressing key issues within the EU.
Collaborating with various political forces, including Nos, Per – Popolari Europeisti Riformatori, and others, Azione seeks to surpass the 4% national threshold with a shared vision.

Foreign Policy and Defense

Azione’s top priority is to ensure EU support for Ukraine in countering Russian aggression.
This includes advocating for a more structured European foreign policy to promote development, cooperation, and stability in crisis areas.
The party also supports the establishment of a European defense union to address security threats, including a rapid response force under EU command.

Governance and Rule of Law

Azione advocates for reforms in EU decision-making processes, such as abolishing unanimity voting in the Council and empowering the European Parliament with legislative initiative rights.
The party also emphasizes a zero-tolerance approach to violations of the rule of law and external interferences.

Environment and Industry

The party stresses the need for a revamped “Green Deal” and a common industrial policy to ensure fair competition and address global value chain vulnerabilities.
Azione supports harmonizing tax rates and bases to prevent internal tax havens within the EU.

Social Welfare and Education

Azione champions a renewed EU Social Pillar focusing on healthcare, education, demography, and gender equality.
The party calls for investments in lifelong learning, unemployment subsidies, and accessible educational programs like “Erasmus plus” for all European students.

Migration and Global Cooperation

Azione proposes a comprehensive approach to African cooperation through the “Migration compact” model, emphasizing development aid conditioned on effective border protection.
The party advocates for a mandatory redistribution of asylum seekers among EU member states and targeted migration pathways to address demographic challenges.

Overall, Azione’s program for 2024 reflects a commitment to a stronger, more cohesive Europe that prioritizes solidarity, innovation, and social progress.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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