Elezioni amministrative 2024

Runoff Election in Campobasso 2024: Timings and Results – Who will win between De Benedittis and Forte?

Ballotage in the Administrative Elections of Campobasso 2024

The runoff in the Campobasso 2024 administrative elections is scheduled to take place on Sunday 23 June from 7 am to 11 pm and on Monday 24 June from 7 am to 3 pm.
The vote counting will start at 3 pm on Monday 24 June, with the scrutiny of the ballot of the Campobasso 2024 elections available for live streaming in real-time.
Following the results of the first round, the runoff to elect the next mayor of Campobasso will be between Aldo De Benedittis and Marialuisa Forte.
No coalitions have been formed between the candidates.
It’s worth mentioning that De Benedittis’ list in the first round exceeded the absolute majority threshold at 52.68%.
Therefore, if the center-right candidate wins the runoff, a situation known as the “lame duck” scenario might occur.
Below are the official results of the mayoral candidates and their lists in these administrative elections in Campobasso, with all the updates on the runoff counting starting from 3 pm on Monday.
For more information about the runoff of the Campobasso 2024 elections, click here.

Runoff Results of the Administrative Elections in Caltanissetta 2024

The counting of the votes for the runoff of the Caltanissetta 2024 administrative elections will commence at 3 pm on Monday, 24 June.
These are the results after the scrutiny of 0 out of 56 sections.

Aldo De Benedittis /
Marialuisa Forte /

In case of a tie, the older candidate in the runoff will be elected mayor.

Results of the Campobasso 2024 Administrative Elections

The vote counting for the Campobasso 2024 administrative elections began at 2 pm on Monday, 10 June.
The official results after counting all 56 sections are:

Aldo De Benedittis
Lega (7.08%), Forza Italia (8.37%), Fratelli d’Italia (13.08%), Popolari per l’Italia (16.22%), Noi Moderati (8.74%), Udc (3.60%)
Maria Luisa Forte
Pd (16.22%), M5s (10.14%), Alleanza Verdi Sinistra (6.03%)
Pino Ruta
Costruire Democrazia (9.79%), Unica Terra (1.65%), Confederazione Civica (3.49%)

Since none of the mayoral candidates obtained an absolute majority in the first round, a runoff between the two leading candidates will take place in two weeks.

Administrative Elections in Campobasso 2024: Dates and Times

The Campobasso 2024 administrative elections will be held on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June for the first round.
Voting hours for the administrative elections 2024 are:

Saturday 8: from 3 to 11 pm
Sunday 9: from 7 am to 11 pm

The vote counting for the first round will start at 2 pm on Monday, 10 June.
The potential runoff for the administrative elections will take place on Sunday 23 June from 7 am to 11 pm and on Monday 24 June from 7 am to 3 pm.

For detailed information on how to vote in the Campobasso administrative elections, check here.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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