Elezioni amministrative 2024

Rovigo 2024 Elections: Official Results Announced, Cittadin-Gaffeo in Runoff, FdI Emerges as Top List

Rovigo Municipal Election Results 2024

Official results of the municipal elections in Rovigo 2024 have been announced, revealing a scenario without a clear winner.
The election of the mayor has been postponed to a runoff between Valeria Cittadin – who came close to victory in the first round – and Edoardo Gaffeo.
The ballot is scheduled to take place on Sunday, June 23, and Monday, June 24.

It is worth noting that the combined votes of Cittadin’s lists have surpassed the absolute majority threshold at 50.24%.
If Gaffeo wins the runoff, a potential minority government situation, known as a “lame duck,” could unfold in Rovigo.

Election Results and Lists

Among the lists, the most voted in the Rovigo 2024 elections was the Brothers of Italy (20.13%), followed by Gaffeo Because It Grows Happy (17.92%), and Valeria Cittadin Mayor (12.17%).
The voter turnout for these municipal elections was 60.55%, showing a decrease compared to 2019.

Below are the official results of the mayoral candidates and lists in the Rovigo municipal elections, along with information on the dates, times, and regulations for the runoff.

Runoff Information and Ballot Dates

Since none of the mayoral candidates obtained an absolute majority in the first round, a runoff between the two leading candidates will be necessary.
The runoff is scheduled to take place in two weeks.

The runoff for the Rovigo 2024 municipal elections will be held on Sunday, June 23, starting at 7:00 am until 11:00 pm, and on Monday, June 24, from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.

General Voting Information

In the Rovigo municipal elections, voters have three options to elect the mayor and the Municipal Council:
– Place a cross on the list symbol, allocating the vote to the mayoral candidate as well.
– Place a cross only on the name of the mayoral candidate; in this case, no vote will be assigned to the list.
– Place a cross on the list and write the surname of the preferred council candidate.

Additionally, split voting is permitted, allowing voters to select the desired mayoral candidate and also support a list endorsing a different candidate.
In municipalities with over 15,000 inhabitants, voters can give a double gender preference by writing the surnames of two candidates of different sexes from the same list.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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