Elezioni amministrative 2024

Reggio Emilia 2024 Administrative Elections: Date, Candidates, Lists and Polls.

Elections in Reggio Emilia 2024: A Preview

The political scene in Reggio Emilia is gearing up for the upcoming administrative elections in 2024.
The elections will be combined with the European elections in a similar fashion to what happened five years ago, creating a sort of election day.

Date of the Elections

In 2019, the administrative elections in Reggio Emilia took place on May 26th, coinciding with the European elections across Italy and regional elections in Piedmont.
Similarly, in 2024, the first round of administrative elections will be held alongside the European elections on Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9.

Voting will take place from 3 pm to 11 pm on Saturday, and from 7 am to 11 pm on Sunday.
The counting of votes will prioritize the European elections.
A potential runoff for the administrative elections will be held on Sunday, June 23, and Monday, June 24.

Electoral Laws

The electoral law for administrative elections in Italy follows a majority system for electing the mayor and a proportional distribution for councilors.
In case no candidate secures an absolute majority in the first round, a runoff between the top two candidates will be conducted.
If a tie occurs, the older candidate will be elected.

To ensure a stable majority, winning mayoral candidate’s party lists will be allocated 60% of the seats, with the remaining seats distributed proportionally among other lists using the D’Hondt method.
A total of 32 councilors, excluding the mayor, will be elected.
All lists surpassing a 3% threshold of valid votes will be admitted.

Voters in municipalities with over 15,000 inhabitants can express up to two preferences while maintaining gender balance.

The Candidates

Seven candidates are vying for the position of mayor in the Reggio Emilia 2024 administrative elections, each supported by different party lists.
The city traditionally leans left, and the Democratic Party aims to continue its longstanding dominance by endorsing Marco Massari in this election.

The center-right coalition supports Giovanni Tarquini.
Other candidates include Gianni Tasselli, Vladimir Sabillon, Paola Soragni, Fabrizio Aguzzoli, and Giuliana Reggio.

Polling Data

Recent polls indicate that Marco Massari leads in voter preferences, followed by Giovanni Tarquini and Fabrizio Aguzzoli.
The Democratic Party and the center-right coalition hold the highest shares in the list preferences.

According to the latest survey, Massari maintains a significant lead over Tarquini in a potential runoff.
The electoral landscape in Reggio Emilia appears dynamic and promises an intriguing electoral showdown in the upcoming elections.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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