Local elections 2024, when will we vote? Date and municipalities to vote

Administrative elections 2024, when and where to vote: approximately 3,700 municipalities will be called to the polls to elect the mayor on 8 and 9 June, a very delicate and long-awaited appointment given the many large cities that will be affected by this round of municipal elections.
As happened five years ago, also in 2024 the first round of the administrative elections will be combined with the European elections and, probably, also with the regional elections in Piedmont, Basilicata and Umbria.
In the name of autonomy, the almost 200 municipalities that are part of special statute regions that will elect their mayor in 2024 could vote on a different date than the rest of the country.
Let's see when and where we will vote in the 2024 local elections, an important test for the centre-right majority given that, barring surprises, there will be a sort of election day in Italy.
read also European elections 2024, when do you vote in Italy? Date, electoral law and polls 2024 administrative elections, when to vote: the date The Council of Ministers has established that the 2024 European elections will be held on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June, with the counting of votes starting immediately after the closing of urns.
In the Regions with ordinary statute, voting should take place for the first round of the 2024 administrative elections on the same date, while in the Regions with special statute, different days could be chosen.
The times for both days should be from 07:00 until 23:00, while any run-offs would be held after two weeks on 22 and 23 June.
The electoral law is the same practically throughout Italy: in local elections if none of the candidates in the first round obtains more than 50% of the votes – 40% in Sicily – then a run-off between the two most voted candidates becomes necessary.
2024 administrative elections: where to vote There is also a lot of anticipation for the 2024 administrative elections, given that voting will take place in 27 provincial capitals, 6 of which are also regional capitals.
In total there will be 3,700 municipal councils that will need to be renewed: 3,516 Municipalities of Regions with ordinary statute and 184 Municipalities of Regions with special statute.
Here in detail are the 27 capital municipalities affected by the 2024 administrative elections: Ascoli Piceno Avellino Bari Bergamo Biella Cagliari Caltanissetta Campobasso Cremona Ferrara Florence Forlì Lecce Livorno Modena Pavia Perugia Pesaro Pescara Potenza Prato Reggio Emilia Rovigo Sassari Verbania Vercelli Vibo Valentia Among the main centers not capitals affected by this round of administrative elections are Cesena, Carpi, Giulianova, Aversa, Nola, Tivoli, Rozzano, Fano, Termoli, Gela and Foligno.
read also Regional elections 2024: where and when to vote


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