Elezioni amministrative 2024

Ferrara 2024 Local Elections: Date, Candidates, Parties, and Polls

Elections in Ferrara 2024: What to Expect

In 2024, the municipal elections in Ferrara will coincide with the European elections, much like what happened five years ago.
This phenomenon will create a sort of election day where both events will take place simultaneously.

Alan Fabbri, the current mayor of Ferrara, will run for a second term at City Hall, backed by the entire center-right coalition.
On the other side, the center-left coalition will see Fabio Anselmo as their candidate for mayor, with a faction supporting Anna Zonari and Italy Viva running with Daniele Botti.

Election Date and Schedule

As in 2019, the municipal elections in Ferrara will take place alongside the European elections.
The chosen dates for the first round are Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9.
Voting will run from 3 PM to 11 PM on Saturday and from 7 AM to 11 PM on Sunday, with the European election count taking precedence.

If necessary, the runoff for the municipal elections will be held on Sunday, June 23, from 7 AM to 11 PM, and on Monday, June 24, from 7 AM to 3 PM.

Electoral Law

The electoral law for municipal elections in Italy follows a majority system for the election of the mayor, while councilors are allocated proportionally.
In Ferrara, a municipality with over 15,000 inhabitants, if no candidate achieves an absolute majority in the first round, a runoff between the top two candidates will occur.
In case of a tie, the older candidate will prevail.

To ensure a solid majority and governance, the winning mayoral candidate’s list will be assigned 60% of the council seats, with the rest distributed proportionally among other lists using the D’Hondt method.
A total of 32 councilors, excluding the mayor, will be elected, with all lists exceeding a 3% threshold included.

Candidates and Coalitions

The four candidates for mayor in Ferrara 2024 are:

  • Fabio Anselmo: Pd, Movimento 5 Stelle, Anselmo Sindaco, Civici, Patto per Ferrara, Sinistra Unita
  • Daniele Botti: Ferrara Futura
  • Alan Fabbri: Fratelli d’Italia, Lega, Forza Italia, Udc, Fabbri Sindaco, Ferrara Cambia
  • Anna Zonari: La Comune, Ferrara in Europa-Psi

In 2019, Alan Fabbri achieved a historic victory in a traditionally left-wing city like Ferrara.
As the center-right seems poised for success in 2024, Fabbri will run again, supported by the center-right coalition.
Meanwhile, the center-left, divided between Anselmo and Zonari, aims to challenge the current mayor’s reelection bid.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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