Chaos in Bari, how the polls change in view of the local elections

Polls are also breaking into the already chaotic situation in Bari, a city where voting will be held for the first round of the local elections on 8 and 9 June and which has been under the national spotlight for some time due to the various investigations that are taking place in the Apulian capital and in Region.
Let's proceed in order.
Having reached the end of his second consecutive mandate, Antonio Decaro, current mayor of Bari of the Democratic Party, will not be able to run again for the administrative elections in June.
For Decaro – president of the ANCI and for years at the top of the polls regarding the approval of mayors throughout Italy – there should be a candidacy on the PD list in the European elections which will also be held on 8 and 9 June.
The choice of the center-left mayoral candidate in Bari should thus have taken place through the primaries set for Sunday 7 April.
On the one hand Vito Leccese supported by the Democratic Party and the outgoing mayor, on the other Michele Laforgia supported by the 5 Star Movement.
However, what caused the primaries to founder and the Giallorossi coalition to explode were the various judicial investigations that involved Bari and the entire region.
After the resignation of the regional dem councilor Anita Maurodinoia following the investigation that overwhelmed her, Giuseppe Conte withdrew from the primaries declaring that there were no longer the conditions to move forward.
In all likelihood, in the local elections in Bari the Democratic Party and a good part of the centre-left will present itself with Vito Leccese as candidate for mayor, with the M5s supporting Michele Laforgia while the centre-right still has to make a decision with the hottest name which would be that of FdI senator Filippo Melchiorre.
In this very confusing scenario, there have been several electoral polls regarding the elections in Bari and the center-left primaries – even conflicting with each other – that have been carried out recently.
read also Bari 2024 administrative elections: date, candidates and polls Bari elections: what the polls say Before they collapsed following the rift of the 5 Star Movement, in recent days there were two polls relating to the centre-left primaries between Vito Leccese and Michele Laforgia which should have been held next Sunday.
The Winpoll poll for the primaries saw Leccese victorious with 56%, while that of Yoodata on the contrary indicated Laforgia largely in the lead with 68%.
Opposite results but useless work given the breakup.
As regards the local elections in Bari, the most recent official survey is the one carried out by Yoodata for Telenorda on 8 February.
These would be the voting intentions regarding the coalitions.
The centre-left candidate 46% The centre-right candidate 33% The 5 Star Movement candidate 17% Other candidate 4% The scenario would consequently be that of a run-off between Vito Leccese and the centre-right candidate, with a "peace" between the Democratic Party and the 5 Star Movement which could happen after the first round.


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