Elezioni amministrative 2024

Biella 2024 Elections: How to Vote, Dates, Times, and Candidates.

Elections in Biella 2024: What to Expect

The upcoming administrative elections in Biella in 2024 are set to be an eventful affair, with significant changes and new candidates entering the political arena.

Candidates and Alliances

A total of five candidates will be running for mayor in the 2024 administrative elections in Biella.
Notably, the incumbent mayor Claudio Corradino will not be seeking reelection, paving the way for new contenders.
The center-right coalition has chosen to endorse Marzio Olivero as their candidate, while the center-left alliance between the Democratic Party and the Five Star Movement will be represented by Marta Bruschi.

Voting Schedule and Procedures

The administrative elections in Biella 2024 will take place on Saturday, June 8, and Sunday, June 9, coinciding with the European elections and regional elections in Piedmont.
Polling stations will be open from 15:00 to 23:00 on Saturday and from 7:00 to 23:00 on Sunday.
Vote counting will commence on Monday, June 10, at 14:00.

In the event of a runoff election, it will be held on Sunday, June 23, and Monday, June 24.
Voters have three options when casting their ballots: endorsing a party list (thus supporting the mayoral candidate), selecting only the mayoral candidate, or choosing a candidate from a list and specifying a preferred councilor.

Electoral Law and Procedures

The electoral system for administrative elections in Italy follows a majority system for mayoral elections, with proportional representation for councilors.
In municipalities with more than 15,000 inhabitants, a runoff election will be held if no candidate secures an absolute majority in the first round.

Moreover, to ensure a stable majority and governance, the winning mayoral candidate’s affiliated lists will be allocated 60% of the council seats, with the remaining seats distributed proportionally using the D’Hondt method.

In total, 32 councilors (excluding the mayor) will be elected, with all lists and groups exceeding a 3% vote threshold eligible for representation.

Meet the Candidates

Let’s take a closer look at the five candidates running for mayor in the Biella 2024 administrative elections and the supporting lists:

– Marta Bruschi (Democratic Party, Green-Left Alliance, Five Star Movement, Biella c’è)
– Daniele Dellamontà (Communist Party)
– Andrea Foglio Bonda (Buongiorno Biella, Costruiamo Biella)
– Marzio Olivero (Brothers of Italy, League, Forza Italia, UDC, Lista Dino Gentile)
– Riccardo Ramella (Nova Bugella)

In the 2019 administrative elections, Claudio Corradino secured victory in a tight runoff, bringing the center-right coalition back to power.
However, with new faces and alliances in the upcoming 2024 elections, the political landscape in Biella is set for a potential transformation.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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