
Be careful with this appliance, it costs more than half of your bill

There is an appliance whose consumption can cost you dearly.
Specifically, it “can account for up to a third” of your electricity bill.
According to the Portuguese Association for Consumer Protection (DECO), the refrigerator can cost much more than half the amount of the bill, which is why consumers should opt for an efficient model.
“Did you know that your refrigerator can account for up to a third of your electric bill? Choose efficient appliances and save in the long term,” recommends DECO, in a post shared on the social network Facebook.
But it's not just the refrigerator that weighs on the electricity bill: there are also other appliances whose consumption increases electricity costs.
The appliances that cost the most on the bill These are the appliances that make consumers spend the most: portable electric stove, 2000 watts, consumes 480 kWh per year, if used four hours a day, 60 days a year; refrigerator, consumes, on average, 240 kWh per year; dryers and washing machines consume 155 kWh and 135 kWh of energy per year respectively, assuming three weekly wash cycles for both and that the dryer is used only in the winter months; dishwasher consumes 167 kWh of energy per year, considering three weekly cycles.
read also How much does the refrigerator consume and tips for saving How to save on the use of the refrigerator If you don't have the possibility of buying a new refrigerator with a high energy efficiency class, here are some tips to save on your bill: 1) Clean the coils Clean the condenser coils at least once a year.
Be sure to unplug the refrigerator and carefully brush or vacuum the coils.
This can improve the efficiency of your refrigerator by 30%.
2) Defrost Refrigerators that don't have an automatic defrost setting typically use less energy than other refrigerators, but they must be manually defrosted to maintain efficiency.
It is good practice to defrost manually every time the ice reaches a thickness of one centimeter.
3) Regulate your home temperature Refrigerators can use 2.5% more energy for every degree higher than the normal home temperature.
Additionally, your refrigerator may use more energy if it is near an oven or dishwasher.
On the other hand, if the room air temperature drops below 4 degrees, the thermostat may not perform the cooling and defrost cycles properly.
4) Make space Make sure there is a few inches of space between the refrigerator and the wall to maintain good air circulation.
This will help your refrigerator run more efficiently.
5) Test the seals Your refrigerator could waste a huge amount of energy if the seals are worn or loose.
To check this, close a banknote between the seal and the door.
Repeat this at different points along the edge of the door.
If the bill moves easily, the seals are probably not tight enough and you should consider replacing them.
6) Have good habits These tips will not only make your refrigerator use less energy, but they will also help you have less food going bad faster than it should: Open the refrigerator less frequently Allow hot foods to cool before putting them in in the refrigerator Cover the food Label the leftovers

Author: Hermes A.I.

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