Ecobonus auto

How to apply for car eco-bonuses: a step-by-step guide available for download

How to Request the Eco-bonus for Cars: A Step-by-Step Guide

Since June 3, the platform for requesting access to the car eco-bonus has been available, but many people are wondering how to access the funds before they run out.
Here is a practical guide to help you request the incentives.

Car Incentives: How Do They Work?

Car incentives allow you to purchase a low-polluting car with significant discounts on the price.
The amount of the incentives depends on various factors such as the polluting emissions of the car, scrapping of a polluting vehicle, or income level (Isee).

The maximum amount that can be obtained is €13,750, which could soon be supplemented by additional resources from manufacturers.
Significant discounts are also available for the purchase of motorcycles, and incentives up to €2,000 are in place for the purchase of used vehicles.

How to Request the Eco-bonus for Cars

If you are looking to purchase a car using the discounts provided by the eco-bonus, you simply need to contact a dealer as soon as possible, as the platform for incentive reservations is only available to dealers.

The dealer must register on the platform provided by the Ministry of Economic Development.
Registration requires a digital identity through Cie, Spid, or Cns.
The dealer must enter their VAT number and REA code for accreditation on the platform.

Starting from June 3, the dealer can reserve the incentives based on the purchase orders received and as funds are available until exhaustion.
Upon each reservation and subject to fund availability, they will receive confirmation and can then inform the buyer of the availability.

Upon finalizing the vehicle sale, the dealer will apply the incentive by adjusting the purchase price.
The manufacturer will reimburse the dealer for the amounts advanced.
The final step involves the State reimbursing the granted amounts to the end customer to the manufacturer/importer under a tax credit offset scheme.

Car Incentives for Businesses: Limitations

The eco-bonus for cars has important peculiarities.
Individuals who purchase vehicles in Italy between January 1 and December 31, 2024, are eligible for incentives, as well as legal entities that provide vehicles for car sharing or other rental forms.

The incentives also extend to SMEs for the purchase or financial leasing of commercial vehicles meeting certain criteria, such as being new, having a Gross Vehicle Weight not exceeding certain limits, and being electric.

Purchasing Used Vehicles with the Eco-bonus

It is possible to benefit from discounts for the purchase of a low-polluting used car through a dealer-mediated transaction.
Private sales do not qualify for this opportunity, and the dealer must always apply for the incentive on behalf of the buyer.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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