Tax deadlines March 2024, extension of quater scrapping, Irpef advance payment and obligations

The month of March 2024 reserves many deadlines, it is best not to forget the quater scrapping because the deadlines have also been reopened for the payment of the first two unpaid installments.
Also pay attention to the mid-month obligations, in fact the deadlines of March 16th are all moved to the 18th since the 16th falls on a Saturday.
However, let's see in detail what the deadlines are for the month of March 2024.
Tax deadlines March 2024, extension of quater scrapping, Irpef down payment and obligations Quater scrapping, it is possible to pay the first three installments by 15 March The tax deadlines of 18 March 2024 : CU 2024 and INPS contributions VAT obligations expiring on 18 March 2024 Last tax deadlines of 18 March 2024 Tax deadlines 31 March 2024 Quater scrapping, it is possible to pay the first three installments by 15 March The first thing to pay attention to is scrapping quater.
In theory, the third installment was due to expire on 28 February, with a tolerance of 5 days.
Under the old rules, those who have not paid the first two installments would still lose the benefit.
However, with the conversion of the Milleproroghe decree everything changed as there was a real reopening of the deadlines for payments.
The reopening of the deadlines provides for the possibility of paying the first, second and third installment (the one due on 28 February 2024) by 15 March.
But even in this case, the payment made within 5 days of the deadline is considered timely and this, in fact, opens the door to payments made by March 20th.
Officially, the reason lies in the inefficiencies of the platform for making payments which occurred in the last days of the first two deadlines, effectively preventing many taxpayers from paying their dues.
The readmission of deceased individuals allows for greater tax revenue.
For many, the difficulty remains in finding resources to pay the various instalments.
read also The scrapping of tax bills has reopened, more time to pay The tax deadlines of 18 March 2024: CU 2024 and INPS contributions Having made the introduction on quater scrapping, let's see the ordinary tax deadlines for the month of March 2024.
The first important deadline of the month of March 2024 falls on Monday 18th, we remind you that these are monthly and non-monthly deadlines, generally falling on the 16th of the month, postponed to the first following Monday.
The first thing to remember is that tax withholding agents must deliver to the Revenue Agency and to the person replaced the CU 2024 form which indicates the advance and balance withholdings made.
The payment of the tax on entertainment must be made by 18 March 2024 with the F24 form, using the tax code 6728.
The payment of INPS social security contributions also falls on this date; clients who have paid compensation in the month are required to pay.
previous for: occasional collaborators with incomes exceeding 5 thousand euros per year; door-to-door salesmen; coordinated and continuous collaborative relationships; research fellows and doctoral students; member-directors of companies for whom there is an obligation to contribute.
In coordinated and continuous collaborations and similar figures, the contribution is 2/3 paid by the client and 1/3 by the collaborator.
Also by 18 March 2024, agricultural employers must pay social security contributions to employees for compensation accrued in the previous month.
VAT obligations expiring on 18 March 2024 We remind you that monthly VAT taxpayers must pay the tax due for the month of February by 18 March.
The F24 form is used with the tax code 6002.
The same code is also used for the settlement and payment by VAT subjects who facilitate through the use of an electronic interface such as a virtual market, a platform, a portal or similar means, remote sales of mobile phones, game consoles, tablets, PCs and laptops.
Again with regard to VAT subjects, the amount due in settlement following the submission of the annual VAT return must be paid by 18 March.
The amount due can be paid in a lump sum or the first installment of the balance must be paid by March 18th.
For installments the maximum number of installments is 9 and for the installments following the second an interest equal to 0.33% per month is applied.
read also 2024 VAT declaration, deadlines and news Latest tax deadlines of 18 March 2024 Also by 18 March, those involved in real estate brokerage must pay the withholding tax of 21% on short-term rental contracts.
Important deadline also for those who operate in the funeral sector: by 18 March 2024 they must transmit to the Revenue Agency the data relating to the expenses incurred in the year 2023, with reference to each death.
Those who have chosen to pay the advance tax (generally due on November 30th) in installments must pay the third installment by the 18th.
read also Deposit 30 November postponed to January, payment in installments but not for everyone Tax deadlines 31 March 2024 Not just taxes, by 31 March separated parents can request the bonus for separated parents who find themselves in need.
To know all the details it is recommended to read the specific in-depth analysis.
read also Separated parents bonus up to 9,600 euros immediately, here's how to apply Finally, always by 31 March it is necessary to present the summary lists of intra-community sales and purchases of goods (INTRA 1-bis and INTRA 2-bis forms); of the provision of services rendered/received to/from EU taxable persons (INTRA 1-quater Form and INTRA 2-quater Forms).


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