VAT declaration

Periodic VAT payment, the minimum payment amounts change

The new minimum payments for VAT are changing and, consequently, the new forms for periodic VAT payments have been approved with the implementation of the latest innovations introduced.
With a provision dated 14 March 2024 signed by the Director of the Revenue Agency, Ernesto Maria Ruffini, the new forms for periodic VAT payments were approved.
The changes were necessary as the «Obligations» decree provided for new minimum thresholds for payments.
Here are the main news.
Minimum amounts of VAT payments, changes in the periodic payment (Lipe) The implementing decree of the tax reform regarding tax obligations, definitively approved by the Council of Ministers of 19 December 2023 (article 9 of the legislative decree of 8 January 2024, n.
1) provides that the minimum payment for periodic VAT payments is raised from 25.82 euros to 100 euros.
This implies that if the periodic monthly or quarterly VAT payment is less than the threshold of 100 euros, it is not due.
The debit amount can be carried forward in the next payment.
It follows that those who have low business volumes, or have simply not worked for a period, will be able to avoid obligations.
From a purely technical point of view, please note that within the instructions and the form for periodic VAT payments the word "25.82", wherever it occurs, is replaced by the following: "100.00".
We remind you that the monthly VAT deadlines fall on the 16th of each month, while for the quarterly VAT, they are as follows: May 16th for the first quarter; August 16 for the second quarter; November 16 for the third quarter; the fourth quarter payment is made directly in the annual return.
The tax codes to be used for monthly VAT range from 6001 for the month of January to 6012 for the month of December.
For quarterly VAT: 6031 for the VAT payment of the first quarter; 6032 for the second quarter; 6033 for the third quarter; 6034 for the fourth quarter.
This is the main new feature, there are also further new features.
read also monthly VAT and quarterly VAT, differences, obliged subjects Further innovations in the Lipe 2024 model Among the further innovations foreseen in provision 125654/2024 of the Revenue Agency is the modification of the information on the processing of personal data.
Furthermore, both in the form and in the instructions the description of line VP10 (EU car payments), relating to the tax on the first internal sales of cars purchased within the EU, is replaced with "Car payments F24 identifying elements".
In the paragraph "Exceptional events", code 2 used by sports federations and clubs, entitled to suspend payments based on the regulatory provisions adopted following disasters or exceptional events, has been eliminated.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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