Detrazioni fiscali

152 Euro bonus for parents with children in school

Bonus up to 152 Euros for Parents with Studying Children

Parents are entitled to a bonus of up to 152 euros for each child who is studying.
Education expenses for children can have a significant impact on a family’s budget when considering all school-related costs, from transportation to meals.
Due to this, the Tax Office provides a benefit that allows for the amortization of part of the expenses incurred during the year for education, regardless of the ISEE or the age of the children.

How to Claim the Bonus

The bonus does not need a specific request but should be indicated in the 730/2024 form, specifically in section E, regarding expenses and deductions.
The incurred expenses should be included in the deductions for education expenses, which this year amount to 19% on a maximum cost of 800 euros per child following an educational path at any level.
Let’s see how to obtain this deduction and for which expenses and children.

Deduction of Education Expenses, College and School Costs in the 730 Form

Parents who have children pursuing studies can benefit from an important deduction that can be utilized when filing their tax returns, allowing for the recovery of part of the education expenses.
For the year 2024, a 19% deduction for school expenses is set for a maximum expenditure of 800 euros per child.

The maximum spending limit applies to each child, entitling a maximum tax relief of 152 Euros for each dependent student.
The 152 euros are not automatically recognized but represent the maximum amount of tax relief that can be obtained and is calculated based on the actual expenses incurred for education.

Qualifying Expenses for the 152 Euro Deduction

Expenses that qualify for the 19% deduction regarding children’s education include costs related to attendance at:

  • Nursery school
  • Primary school
  • Middle school
  • High school

For University, different deductions apply, without considering the 800 euro limit per child, following different rules.
To be eligible, expenses must be paid using traceable methods for various services such as school trips, school insurance, language courses, theater courses, music courses, art courses, school transport services, school meals, pre and after-school care, meal assistance, diploma fees, State exam fees, and other related educational costs.

Not eligible for deductions are expenses incurred for the purchase of educational materials like stationery, textbooks, backpacks, or school uniforms, including lab coats.

Author: Hermes A.I.

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