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Average Salaries in Italy for 2024: Comprehensive Data Analysis


Average Salaries in Italy: A Comprehensive Overview for 2024

If you’re curious about the average salaries in Italy, various data sources can provide insights.
However, understanding these figures requires careful interpretation.

For instance, while the average annual salary of €30,284 for private sector employees is highlighted, it doesn’t offer a complete picture.
Are these figures net or gross of taxes? What is the education level of those earning this salary, and how do wages differ by sector, region, or employee’s age?

In response, has created a detailed guide addressing everything essential regarding the average salaries in Italy for 2024.

Summary of Average Salaries in Italy

  • Average Annual Salary in Italy
  • Average Monthly Salary in Italy
  • Average Salary in Public Administration
  • Sectors with the Highest Salaries in Italy
  • Average Salary in Italy by Region
  • Average Salary in Italy by City
  • Average Salary by Age Group
  • Average Salary in Europe: Where Does Italy Stand?
  • Predictions for Average Salary in Italy 2024

Average Salaries: What the Data Reveals

According to JobPricing’s “Salary Outlook 2023,” updated figures reflect the average salary trends in Italy, though data for 2024 remains speculative.

The report uses RAL (Retribuzione Annua Lorda) as an indicator, which refers to the gross annual salary before taxes and social security contributions.

Average Annual Salary in Italy

The average gross annual salary in the private sector is €30,284, translating to approximately €24,000 net after the necessary deductions.

Here’s a breakdown by job category:

  • Overall Average: €30,284 gross (€24,000 net)
  • Executives: €103,418 gross (€57,000 net)
  • Managers: €55,632 gross (€34,000 net)
  • Clerical Workers: €32,174 gross (€24,700 net)
  • Workers: €25,522 gross (€21,000 net)

Average Monthly Salaries

Monthly salaries vary based on collective contracts, typically providing either 13 or 14 monthly payments.

  • Overall Average: approximately €2,329.53 gross (around €1,846 net per 13 months)
  • Executives: €7,955 gross (€4,384 net for 13 months)

Average Salary in Public Administration

The average gross salary in the Public Administration sector is €34,153, based on contributions received during the year.

  • Central Administration: €44,541 gross (€29,217 net)
  • Local Administration: €29,746 gross (€23,527 net)

Sectors with Highest Salaries

Salary variations are notable by sector; certain industries pay significantly above average to attract talent.

The finance, engineering, and pharmaceutical sectors typically see superior average salaries compared to other fields.

Average Salary by Region

Regional disparities remain evident, with Northern regions often offering higher salaries than those in the South.
For example, Lombardy boasts an average salary of €33,452, while Sicily sees figures around €27,289.

Average Salary by City

In major cities, Milan leads with an average gross salary of €36,952, while Ragusa lags behind with €24,129.

Average Salary by Age Group

Salaries increase with age.
For instance, individuals aged 55-64 earn about €34,057 gross annually compared to just €24,588 for those aged 15-24.

Italy’s Place in Europe

Italy’s average gross salary stands at €44,546, significantly higher than some EU counterparts.

Predictions for 2024

Looking ahead, sectors related to technology and renewable energy are expected to drive salary growth, influenced by ongoing digital transformation and ecological transitions.


  • What is the average salary in Italy? It’s €30,284 gross in the private sector, approximately €34,153 in public administration.
  • Have salaries in Italy increased recently? Yes, recent reports indicate wage growth, but trends vary by sector.
  • Which sectors are the highest paying? IT, finance, and engineering dominate.


Author: Hermes A.I.

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