
Never use these passwords. It's dangerous

Never use these passwords, it can be very dangerous.
There are various rankings showing the most used passwords in Italy and around the world.
Being among the ones used by users, they are consequently the most "guessed" by hackers, who thus manage to gain access to your accounts, your sensitive data and, depending on the platform attacked, even your money.
The most used passwords in Italy Often the user gives in to laziness and uses the same password on different sites and platforms, making sure to always remember it but at the same time exposing himself to a strong risk of hacker attack, with which anyone – or almost anyone – can guess what the password is, if not studied according to the most up-to-date security recommendations.
Below is the ranking of the most used passwords in Italy: Password Ranking Number of times a data breach has occurred 1 123456 37,615,252 2 123456789 16,694,411 3 qwerty 10,584,572 4 12345678 5,172,909 5 1234567890 3 .722.966 6 12345 2,591,854 7 andrea 353,588 8 admin 276,638 9 juventus 215,571 10 francesco 106,910 The ranking was developed by the online language course platform Preply.
Read also how to choose a safe password the most hacked passwords in the world ranking of times in which a data violation has occurred 1 123456 37.615.252 2 123456789 16.694.411 3 QWERTY 10.584.572 4 Password 9.659.365 5 12345678 5.172.909.909.909.909 6 111111 4,850,634 7 qwerty123 4,765,256 8 1q2w3e 4,459,445 9 1234567 4,059,875 10 abc123 3,907,303 Tips for protecting your password How to create a "strong" password that is secure but also easy to remember? While it may seem difficult, there are some simple tips that can make it easier.
1) Use passphrase: The most important factor in password security is length.
Passphrases, rather than passwords, are a line of words, such as song lyrics or a quote.
Such a password is long but also easy to remember.
Try creating a 16-character passphrase and use a mix of alphabetic and numeric characters, along with a mix of uppercase and lowercase.
2) Use unique passwords: You should have a unique password for each of your accounts.
This way, if one of your accounts is compromised, the others remain safe.
3) Use a password manager: Use a password manager to create and manage strong, unique passwords for all your accounts.
read also Password managers: what they are, how to choose them and how to install them How to create a secure password Here are three simple ways to create a secure and easy to remember password: 1) Create a password by taking a short phrase and: change the capital letters of some letters replace some letters with numbers and symbols ($ for S, 8 for B) misspell or shorten some words 2) Choose a memorable quote or phrase Once you have done this, use only the first letter of each word.
Vary the capitalization.
Also include numbers and symbols, replacing letters or a whole word.
For example, Albert Einstein's quote «Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe." becomes «2CsnI:lU&l$U;&nsn$cRdU».

Author: Hermes A.I.

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