Kimberly Bonvissuto, who she is, what we know about the disappearance and her parents

There has been no news of Kimberly Bonvissuto since the evening of November 20, when the girl did not return home to Busto Arsizio (Varese) after an outing.
The parents are increasingly worried, also because the mystery surrounding that exit and the lack of any signal from the young girl do not give hope for a voluntary removal.
But for the moment, all tracks are still open.
Not that the family, in the current state of affairs, cares about knowing all the details that led to her disappearance: what matters is that Kimberly returns home safe and sound, her parents have repeatedly underlined during heartfelt appeals.
Meanwhile, the police continue their investigations, examining all possible scenarios and evaluating the numerous reports from citizens.
For the moment, there is certainly only the fear of these parents, revived by the very recent story of Giulia Cecchettin and by the absence of any known element to understand what led to Kimberly's disappearance and above all where she is now.
Here's what we know so far.
Who is Kimberly Bonvissuto Kimberly Bonvissuto is an ordinary 20-year-old girl, as she is described to us by her father.
After attending hotel school he began to do some odd jobs and, as far as his parents were aware, he never showed any signs of restlessness other than those normally related to a young age.
The father also ruled out that the girl is engaged, believing that otherwise she would have talked about it at home, "perhaps dating", he declared.
Kimberly's mother also said that her daughter had never left without letting her parents know, nor had she ever given any indication of a possible inconvenience, therefore feeling the disappearance like "a bolt from the blue".
Indeed, Kimberly's disappearance is currently inexplicable, but the parents do not lose hope in a resolution.
Both addressed words directly to their daughter, asking her to come home and promising to solve any problem together.
What we know about the disappearance As anticipated, little or nothing is known about the disappearance of Kimberly Bonvissuto, with few details known thanks to the parents' appeals to find their daughter and the cousin's story.
As underlined by the parents, it is the police who carry out the searches and examine the various leads.
For the moment, the prosecutor's office has opened a case against unknown persons, with an investigation coordinated by the public prosecutor Susanna Molteni.
This is because a fundamental piece is missing to be able to reconstruct the scenario of Kimberly's disappearance: it is not known what she did on Monday evening and above all who was there with her.
The parents thought he was going out with his cousin, as both girls told their families who, being the same age, used to cover for each other.
We don't really know why, but it could easily be simple confidentiality or embarrassment.
Kimberly, on the evening of November 20th, was in fact supposed to go out with a boy on a date.
However, the cousin is unaware of her identity and, to be honest, we are not even certain that the meeting took place, but for the moment, whoever was supposed to meet Kimberly has not revealed himself, at least to help the investigators reconstruct the facts.
However, Kimberly went out in the afternoon carrying her cell phone and charger.
An important detail considering that Kimberly's cell phone has been turned off since that evening and there is no trace of her even on social media.
He had no personal effects with him that suggest an organized escape, no bags or backpacks and above all no clothes or hygiene products missing from home.
So much so that at 9.30pm he wrote a message to his cousin: "I'll be home in half an hour." On the day of her disappearance she was dressed simply, in a gray tracksuit and a winter jacket.
The mapping obtained thanks to the telephone cells made it possible to circumscribe an area only partially and in any case there were no sightings of the young woman in the surrounding area.
The police are in the midst of searches throughout Busto Arsizio, yesterday a helicopter was also deployed, but nothing new.
The images from public and private cameras in the Via Cellini area (where Kimberly and her mother live) are also being examined.
In the meantime, citizens are making numerous reports and we are reminded of the importance of being honest and precise, to avoid confusing the investigation.
To date, the only lead excluded (at least publicly) concerns a boy from Naples, with whom Kimberly had had contact on social media and considered completely unrelated to the disappearance.
read also Giulia Cecchettin, the body found: who is the murdered girl and the point of the investigation Kimberly's parents Kimberly's parents are doing their utmost in recent days in numerous appeals, asking the girl to return home and inviting anyone with information to come forward and contact 112 in case of an alleged sighting.
In addition to their concern, Kimberly's parents (Mariano Bonvissuto and Graziana Tuccio) are full of questions and continue to focus on their daughter's disappearance, trying in every way to be heard and to have more information.
It seems that they have already received many reports and they hope that they are in good faith, but this will be determined by the police.
Mariano, Kimberly's father, obviously spoke about the murder of Giulia Cecchettin, recalling the anguish, now more oppressive than ever, felt following the case.
It's now been almost a week since Kimberly's disappearance, hopefully this time we can find a different ending.
read also What risks Filippo Turetta, investigated for killing Giulia Cecchettin


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