When they take away the license of new drivers

Drivers' licenses can be taken away by suspension, a temporary and accessory measure to the fine and lasting between 3 months and 5 years, by review and finally by revocation, the most serious of sanctions.
New drivers are certainly not exempt from these measures and, indeed, they are at greater risk than anyone else.
This is because new drivers are subject to stricter rules, including increased fines, stricter limits (for example on blood alcohol levels) and have fewer additional points on their licence.
Here's when they take away the license of new drivers and what you need to know.
When they take away the license of new drivers Who are new drivers? All those who have obtained their driving license less than 3 years ago are considered new drivers, regardless of their age.
There is also an exception, identified by article 218 bis of the Highway Code, which extends the reference period to 5 years for new drivers who have committed violations of the Highway Code for which the additional administrative sanction of suspension of the license for one period exceeding 3 months.
License suspension for new drivers New drivers are subject to license suspension in all cases provided for by the Highway Code and also valid for those who have held their driving license for more than 3 years.
Among these there are [some rather serious violations – The revision of the license for new drivers The revocation of the license for new drivers article103985], such as the failure to provide assistance and the recurrence in the two-year period of some violations such as failure to give way.
As regards new drivers, however, a particular case is added, namely the suspension of the license for failure to respect speed and vehicle limits.
New drivers must in fact respect the following speed limits: Maximum 100 km/h on motorways; maximum 90 km/h on main extra-urban roads.
Furthermore, for the first year it is not possible to drive cars with a weight/power ratio greater than 55 kW per ton which in any case cannot have a maximum power greater than 70 kW (95 horsepower) for cars up to 3,500 kg.
Not only are new drivers more likely to have their license suspended, but the fine is increased by a third for the first violation and doubled for subsequent ones.
read also License suspension for those with less than 20 points, guide to the new Highway Code License review for new drivers Another important difference regarding new drivers is the maximum permitted blood alcohol level is equal to 0.0 g/l .
This does not make any difference to the additional sanction, which is foreseen for everyone if 0.5 g/l is exceeded, but it is relevant because new drivers who exceed the zero limit are subject to a deduction of 10 points from their driving licence.
This is because for new drivers the reduction is always doubled, consequently it is also much easier to lose all the points and face an inspection.
The latter is intended to ascertain the psycho-physical requirements and suitability of the driver, who must undergo the theoretical and practical driving test again to get his license back.
If the theory test is not passed, the driver will have his license revoked.
read also BAC, driving while intoxicated, calculation of the permitted limit (table) and criminal sanctions The revocation of the license for new drivers New drivers who lose the psychophysical requirements, are responsible for accidents or commit violations of the Highway Code which constitute a crime are subject to license revocation.
Depending on the reason, it is possible to regain the driving license when the requirements are met again or after 2 or 3 years have passed since the violation.
However, it must be underlined that after having regained your driving license following its revocation, you are considered to all intents and purposes to be a new driver and therefore subject to the same restrictions.
Finally, please note that the rules currently in force could soon be modified by the reform of the Highway Code expected by the end of 2023 and containing several more severe restrictions.
read also Highway Code 2023, the 10 new features of the reform approved by the government


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