Single allowance November 2023, when it is paid and why it will be lower (for some)

It is time to look at the single allowance for dependent children to be paid in November 2023 which will bring with it an important innovation: for some families the amount is suddenly reduced to the minimum, with a more or less significant cut depending on of cases.
On the other hand, as the end of the year approaches, the INPS begins to take stock of the single allowance paid during 2023, in view of an adjustment that will take place between February and March 2024 with which for families there may be a refund of the sums not paid or a withholding of the amount paid in addition.
This is the case, for example, of those who have an ISEE containing omissions or discrepancies who up to now have received the single allowance in full but which will already be reduced in November with the risk of a new, and important, withholding at the beginning of 2024.
Before clarifying what happens in November to those families who have not – yet – regularized their ISEE, let's see what the arrival dates of this important contribution to support families' income are.
When the single allowance is paid in November As officialized by the INPS, the payment calendar of the single allowance for dependent children also identifies three different dates in November: Thursday 16 November; Friday 17 November; Monday 20 November.
This applies exclusively to those who have received the single allowance for at least a month, as well as to those families who did not experience any change in the amount between October and November.
Otherwise, payment takes place in the last week of November, therefore between Monday 27th and Thursday 30th.
Single allowance in November, pay attention to the recalculation.
Families who receive the single allowance on the basis of an ISEE containing discrepancies or omissions.
In this case, in fact, there was no consequence on the single allowance as the amount was still calculated on the basis of the value of the certificate.
Let's think, for example, of a family with an ISEE of 10,000 euros, but defined as different: since the beginning of the year, this family has still been benefiting from the maximum amount, equal to 189.20 euros per child (plus the relevant increases).
However, this does not mean that the ISEE can remain like this: there is in fact the obligation to regularize it by 31 December 2023, since otherwise the amount is lowered to the minimum, equal to 54.10 euros, and in adjustment office, the sums unduly received during the year are recovered.
The recalculation, however, starts as early as the month of November: anyone who does not regularize the ISEE, in fact, this month will see the single allowance reduced to the minimum set by law.
There remains the possibility of regularizing it, or in any case providing the requested documentation, by the end of the year, thus recovering the sums not paid between November and December.
read also wrong Isee, risk of fines of 5 thousand euros and imprisonment: what to do in case of errors Example Let's take as an example a family unit constituted as follows: father and mother both workers; child aged 10 years; child aged 12 years.
The ISEE is equal to 15,000 euros, but some discrepancies were detected during the presentation of the DSU.
Since the beginning of the year, they have benefited from an Auu equal to 189.20 euros for each child, to which is added an increase of 32.40 euros each as both parents work.
Overall, therefore, they take 443.20 euros.
From November 2023, however, the amount is reduced to a minimum, reaching a total of 108.20 euros (54.10 euros for each child with the increase recognized because the parents work which instead is reduced to zero).
At this point the family has two options: leave everything as it is, with the risk that during the settlement the refund of 335 euros for 10 monthly payments will be requested, therefore 3,350 euros; correct the ISEE by the deadline of 31 December 2024.
In this case the Auu will be recalculated on the basis of the new certification.
If the ISEE remains below 16,215 euros then the amount of the allowance will remain the same and 670 euros will be returned during the adjustment (335 euros for November and the same for December); otherwise it is lowered, and with the adjustment there will still be an undue amount to be repaid.
read also Single allowance 2024, how much does it increase thanks to inflation?


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