School competitions, with the OK from Brussels Valditara signs the decrees: calls for 30 thousand places coming soon

For school competitions there is the OK from Brussels, which expressed a positive opinion without making any changes to the decrees governing the teacher recruitment mechanisms and which were signed today by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara.
Mim communicated this in a note on the official website.
The first two calls for competitions for nursery, primary and lower and upper secondary schools will cover 30 thousand places to reach 70 thousand units in implementation of the Pnrr.
There is great anticipation, and only the opinion of Brussels was awaited, of the first of the school competitions, i.e.
the extraordinary ter of the transitional phase of the new teacher recruitment system linked to the Pnrr and the second should arrive in the spring.
The signing of the decrees for school competitions gives rise to hope that the first notices for the future hiring of permanent teachers could soon arrive.
School competitions, the OK arrives from Brussels: Valditara signs the decrees For school competitions, the OK from Brussels to the decrees signed by Valditara represents the start of the new recruitment phase linked to the Pnrr.
The Mim writes in the press release published on the official website: The fully positive opinion of the European Commission has arrived regarding the decrees that dictate the rules for holding the next competitions for the recruitment of teachers in schools of all levels.
The first two tenders – childhood, primary and secondary school – will be for around 30 thousand places; subsequent competitions will reach the Pnrr target of 70 thousand units.
And he added: The measures, signed today by the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, had been sent by the MIM to the Commission since July and the latter, after careful examination, approved them without any comments.
The statement also contains the observations of Minister Valditara who declared that with the signed decrees "the Ministry's commitment to enhancing the role of teachers and enhancing the training of our students continues, providing them with all the tools to profitably continue their studies university and easily access the job market.” School competitions will be announced for common and support positions and with the new system they should be, as the Mim clarifies, on an annual basis in order to guarantee the filling of the positions that will remain available each year.
read also Extraordinary school competition ter 2023: how to prepare while waiting for the announcement School competitions, decrees signed: two announcements arriving The announcements arriving for the next school competitions, now that there has been the green light from the European Commission, will cover 30 thousand seats.
Just last September 9th, the decree appeared in the Official Journal, signed by the Ministers of Economy and Public Administration, which authorizes the Mim to start the school competition for a total of 30,216, divided as follows: 21,101 for common place and 9,115 for support place.
There was then talk of increasing the number of places with an addition of 14,338 units.
Presumably, but this is only a hypothesis, the first announcement of the upcoming school competitions should cover over 30 thousand places and the second 14,338.
The first competition should be announced by the end of 2023 and in the spring, according to some rumors, the second should arrive.
The first school competitions will take place on the basis of the requirements of the transitional phase before the new recruitment system becomes fully operational starting from 2025.
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