Concordato preventivo biennale

Form for the biennial composition with creditors: instructions for completing the proposal

Important news regarding the biennial preventive agreement for VAT numbers; the model for communicating the data necessary to prepare the proposal for the 2024 and 2025 tax periods was approved and published.
With provision no.
68629/2024 of 28 February 2024, the Revenue Agency has published, with the 175 Isa forms, also the one necessary for self-employed people to communicate the data for the two-year composition agreement.
On the same day, the provision containing the technical specifications for sending the models themselves was also published.
The biennial composition with creditors is the innovation introduced in 2024 for smaller self-employed workers for the spontaneous fulfillment of payments based on the proposal developed for a two-year period by the Revenue Agency.
The Model for the data of the biennial composition with creditors, who does it concern? This is a very streamlined and simple model, given that the data that is requested is very little.
Who can or should submit it? The model can be presented by all those who have mainly carried out: agricultural activities; manufacturing; of services; of professional activities; of trade.
For these activities the ISAs must be approved and the taxpayer who must use the model must be required to apply the ISAs as well as be interested in adhering to the biennial composition with creditors proposal.
How is the model made? The amount of information required in the model is very low.
Among other things, not all parts of the form itself need to be filled in, given that four of them refer to the proposal and the taxpayer must limit himself only to accepting them if he wants to comply.
This is a model that is part of the Isa models and, therefore, also of the 2024 Income model.
The provision, in fact, specifies that if there are updates on the same, ADE will be responsible for informing taxpayers with a specific communication.
How is the form filled out? This is a single page.
The form must be presented together with the ISA form when submitting the annual tax return.
For those who apply for ISAs it is necessary to fill in the form indicating: in line P01 it is necessary to tick that you have no tax debts or that you have paid off those for an amount equal to or greater than 5,000 euros; in line P02 you must tick that you do not fall under the causes of exclusion; in line P03 the code corresponding to the extraordinary events identified by ministerial decree must be indicated; in line P04 you must enter the income from self-employment or business for 2023; in line P05 the value of net production relevant for IRAP purposes relating to the 2023 tax period without considering capital gains and contingent assets, as well as capital losses and contingent liabilities.
The proposal for the agreement is presented in lines P06, P07, P08, P09 and the taxpayer will only have to accept by ticking box P10.
read also Arrangement with creditors for risk-free flat rates, that's why

Author: Hermes A.I.

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